
VOA常速英语:Change of Art

I feel that us, as the white community,that we hold a very strong responsibility to speak up and be heard.
My name is Jeremiah Hirsch and I am the owner of Electric Pair O Dice Tattoo in Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Erase the hate is a campaign that we put together to cover up racist and offensive tattoos.
I started to post information and stuff to raise awareness about Black Lives Matter and towards the Black community. And in doing so, I had a gentleman that I went to high school with that reached out to me
about having a Confederate flag tattoo on his foot
that he was embarrassed of and it was hitting him even harder seeing the stuff that I was posting.And he asked if we would work with him on covering it up.So I went to the guys in the shop and I was like,Hey, I think this would be a really good opportunity for us
to help this guy out and cover it up, document it and then post it and then launch this campaign of Erase the hate.
I want to cover up this tattoo that I got a long time ago.Im getting rid of this heart here with this Confederate flag in it.
The tattoo is free but we ask for a minimum donation for $100that will go to one of the organizations that were working with, that goes directly to the Black community.
Looks good.
People have really been behind what were doing.I mean you do have some, like, a handful that are, like, against it.Their argument is that its heritage,not hate and that its a symbolism of, you know, state freedom and stuff like that.But I feel, you know, not to be disrespectful,but I feel at the same time theyre not very educated in the history of what its behind and what it stands for and what the different declarations of the Confederacy was for.It was to keep and instill slavery.
From my own experience and convictions that Ive had,just seeing daily interactions and stuff like that, showed me my privilege.Being a white male in America and seeing the unjust acts and treatment towards the Black community
and the huge difference between those two.
I wanted to get involved as much as I could.So, I started actively going to protests.
Black lives matter. Cops kill us every day.Im a single dad with four kids and Ive always led by an example
that we see someone by their heart and their actions and that love is love, that its universal.Everything deserves a chance and the opportunity to live and be loved.
My upbringing, my parents were preachers and was raised in the Christian faith and as I got older and ventured out on my own, I experienced other religions and stuff.I really connected with Buddhist and Hindu traditionsand really found this parallel between religionsand understanding that the universal importance is empathy, love and compassion.
And then I see this connection between them and between human beings as a whole,and that being present here in this moment and where we are as a nation,is very important that we need this progressive push forward for equalityfor every human being thats on this planet, especially the Black community where theyre affected most.