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The One With Five Steaks and an Eggplant


Chandler gets calls from an intriguing woman (Jade) looking for someone named Bob. On the phone, he pretends to be Bob and arranges to meet her, so he can console her when "Bob" stands her up. Their relationship seems to be going very well, until she calls "Bob" back and complains of Chandler's sexual inadequacies.

Chandler plans a big birthday hoopla for Ross, but the expense involved touches a nerve with Phoebe, Joey, and Rachel, who don't make as much money as the others. Monica, Chandler, and Ross celebrate his birthday by attending Hootie and the Blowfish in concert; they end up partying backstage afterwards with the band.

Monica gets a new position as Head Lunch Chef, also in charge of purchasing, who has her own little desk (when Roland's not there), and a beeper. However, she is soon fired for accepting a gift from the restaurant's new meat supplier.


于是莫妮卡, 钱德和罗斯承担费用,买了六张演唱会门票,邀请他们同乐。




2-05-1 Suck这个词


Ross要过生日了,有人提议借此机会买蛋糕和礼物大家聚会。然后买票去看演唱会.但是Phoebe,Joey,Rachel三人收入菲薄。囊中羞涩。无力承担这一大聚会。 Monica,Ross,Chandler欲承担费用,但其余三人并不买账,宁可呆在家里做游戏,事实上,Monica三人行的聚会并不完美……

[Scene: Central Perk, Rachel, Phoebe, and Joey are there as Ross, Monica, and Chandler enter.]

Ross: Hey, you guys.

Rachel: Happy birthday.

Ross: Oh, thank you, thanks. So uh, how was your night last night?

Rachel: Oh, well, it pretty much sucked. How was yours?

Monica: Yeah, ours pretty much sucked, oh, but, I did run into little Stevie Fisher. Remember him?

Rachel: Oh yeah. I used to babysit him. Hey, how's his dad?

Monica: Uh, good.

Ross: Uh, aside from that, the whole evening was pretty much a bust.



If your friend is stung by a wasp,you may react in a number of ways:do nothing,suck the wound,pour boiling water on it,and so on.(如果你的朋友被黄蜂蜇伤,你的反应可能会有好几种情形。其一,事不关己、高高挂起;其二,吮吸蜇伤之处;或者向蜜蜂浇开水等等。)

但上面的摘录例句中,Ross问:How was your night last night?(你们昨晚过得怎么样?)

Rachel说:Oh,well,it pretty much sucked.(过得很不爽。)

这里,suck显然指某种情形很糟糕。以后,如果你所热爱的球星打输了比赛,你可以说:He sucks!(他真烂!)

suck的语气随语境而有轻有重,例如,六人常挂在嘴边的一句:This really sucks!(真是烦人,烦透了!)

My health sucks.是指“我的身体很差”。还有一幕,Richard(Monica当时的男友)向Monica鼓吹其游戏玩得好。

Richard:What're you talking about,I was killing them.

Monica:Yeah,well,they suck too.


suck还有其各种变化形式,如sucky、sucker等等。Friends中有一幕讲的是Phoebe小的时候妈妈曾不让她看悲惨电影的结局,后来Phoebe看到那些悲剧结尾后大概说:It's a sucky life and just when you think it can't suck any more,it does.(生活真是糟透了,你觉得它已经是最糟糕的了,它比你想象的还要糟。)

再如,He believed that?He is a sucker!Here“sucker”refers to someone who can be easily tricked.sucker在这里也就是“容易轻信,很容易上当的人”。


不过,sucker意思很多。一次在读书的时候曾看到,美国某刑事法院外集会的群众手持支持法官判处被告人(defendant)死刑的标语“Hang the sucker!”(绞死那杂种!)

此外,suck up有拍马屁之意;Friends中有一幕讲的是Joey到Chandler的公司上班,并改名叫Joseph。Joseph善于和同事搞好关系,但Chandler受不了Joey扮演的Joseph,他决定让Joey离开公司,二人的对话如下:

Joey:What’re you talking about,everybody loves Joseph.

Chandler:I don't,I hate Joseph,ok.I think he’s a brown-nosing suck up.

Chandler觉得Joseph是个溜须拍马的“马屁精”(suck up)。suck up在这里动词词组活用成为了名词;“拍……马屁,巴结,讨好,阿谀奉承”这一类词的短语还有suck into,suck off,suck up以及brown-nosing等。如果下次你见到有人拍老师的马屁,你就可以说:“You are brown nosing our teacher.”

与suck相关的还有,a sucking child表示乳臭未干的毛孩。sucked orange比喻“被榨干了血汗的人、被充分利用后而不需要的人”等等。



一位陌生女子打错了电话,要和其前男友 hook up again(重新相好)。

Woman's Voice: Hello, I'm looking for Bob. This is Jane. I don't know if you're still at this number, but I was just thinking about us, and how great it was, and, well, I know it's been three years, but, I was kinda hoping we could hook up again. I barely had t he nerve to make this call, so you know what I did?

Chandler: What?

Jade: I got a little drunk...and naked.

Chandler: (answering the phone, in a deep voice) Bob here.


如果某一天,你拨错了电话,而对方还很不客气时,你会怎么办呢?曾经读过一篇十分优美的散文,就叫A Friend on the Line是关于一个年轻人和一个老人通过电话交朋友的事。文章的开头是这样的:Even before I finish dialing,I somehow knew I'd made a mistake.The telephone rang once,twice-then someone picked it up.“You got the wrong number!”a husky male voice snapped before the line
went dead.Mystified,I dialed again.“I said you got the wrong number!”came the voice.Once more the phone clicked in my ear.How could he po ssibly know I had a wrong number?...(号码还没有拨完,我就意识到拨错号了。电话铃响起,一声、两声——有人接起了电话。“你打错了!”一个沙哑的男子声音喝道,然后电话就挂断了。我感到很奇怪,又拨了一遍那个号码。“我说,你打错了!”那个声音传了过来。电话又一次在我的耳边发出了短促的嘟嘟的声音。他怎么知道我打错了呢?)

故事就先讲到这儿,不过,从这段文字中,我们可以学到好几个跟打电话说法相关的短语,例如:You got the wrong number.(你打错电话了!)dial是“拨电话”,pick up the phone是“接电话”,the line goes dead是表示“断线”,click则表示“电话挂掉后的嘟嘟音。”其他与打电话相关的英语也不少,例如:You’re wanted on the phone.是说“有电话找你!”;总机是telephone
exchange;hold the line表示“别挂电话,等等”;operator是“话务员”;the line is busy是说“电话占线”;answer the phone表示“接听电话”;hang up可

以用来表示“挂掉电话”;answering machine是录音留言机,预留的提示语可以说成:Hello,I am not available nOW.Please leave your message a fter the
bcep.I will call you back.关于电话英语,有兴趣的读者可参考本书第二分册,第“5-10实用电话英语”单元中的相关详细讲解。

tellin’you.You can't do this.这里的I'm telling you相当于I'm serious或No kidding。表示“这可不是闹着玩儿的,我是说正经的呢,我可告诉你”等等。但是将这句话稍作变动:You're telling me.就大不相同了。例如:

—This is the longest assignment we've had all semester.(这是我们本学期-最大的作业了。)

一You're telling me.We'll be lucky if we can do half of it.(说的是,要是我本只需要做一半,那才幸运呢。)是啊,完成一半就不错了。You’re telling me.常常表示前者说话的内容自己也知道,并且完全同意对方的说法,相当于I fully agrcc with you。

hook up这个短语很流行,不过它的意思很不明确(ambiguous);它可以用来表示“通过违法渠道而得到的帮助或好处”。例如:My brother hooked me up with these illicit Cuban Cigars!(我兄弟冒险帮我搞到的那些禁卖的古巴香烟。)

但是,更多的时候,hook-up is now being used to connote physical intimacy(身体上的亲密接触)in the context of consensual sexual relationships.此外,一个六年级的学生如果说:Her friend had“hooked up'’with two boys in the last week.这可能仅指kissing。

hook的本意是“钩”,hook up是指“通电;接通中心系统”之意,例如:

The computer had not yet been hooked up to the mainframe.(这台计算机还没有同主机联上。)从这个意思还引伸出“建立关系/联系”等,例如:Why don't you
hook me up with your sister,since she is still single.(既然你妹妹还是单身,为什么不介绍我们认识呢?)另外,have the nerve to do sth.是表示有胆量做某事。

2-05-3 Weird见怪不怪


天上掉馅饼,Chandler突然接到了一个陌生女人的来电(a call trom an unknown woman)。
Chandler不但没有说“you got the wrong number!”(您打错电话了!),反倒将错就错,冒充这个陌生女人Jade的前男友Bob,并约好在咖啡馆见面。但Ross认为Chandler这样做是pure evil(太缺德).Chandler会怎么样呢……

Chandler: Listen, I have to, uh, um, I have to, I have to confess something.

Jade: Yes?

Chandler: Whoever stood you up is a jerk.

Jade: How did you...

Chandler: I don't know. (He sits down.) I just had this weird sense. You know, but that's me. I'm weird and sensitive. Tissue? (Holds out one of this small packs.)

Jade: Thanks.

Chandler: No, you keep the pack. I'm all cried out today.


weird是说这事怪怪的,有些蹊跷,不太正常。例如:It’s so weird that he cannot tell the left from the right.(奇怪的是他分不清左右。)

The weirdest thing just happened.(最怪异的事情发生了。)

我们总听Phoebe说:You know,this is so weird。动不动就来一句她的经典:Oh,but the weirdest thing was...,其实,最weird的就数她了。连她的男友Mike都说:Phoebe,you’re so beautiful.You’re so kind,you're so generous.You’re so wonderfully weird。

此外,weird ideas是怪诞的念头;the Weird Sisters则指“命运三女神”,即莎士比亚所作《麦克白》一剧中的三女巫;有人将邪教译为“Weird Rcligious Organization”。weirdo则表示“怪人,怪胎”之意。


另外,stand somconc up的意思是“make a date but not keep it”.即“约了人但是没有去赴约;放某人的鸽子”。例如:Angela was supposed to go to the dance with Fred,but she stood him up and went with Chuck instead.(Angela本应该去和Fred跳舞的,但是她放了他的鸽子,反倒和Chuck在一起。)All Cried Out本来是美国的一首著名抒情歌曲的名称。Chandler在此借用,以达到幽默的效果。cry one's cyes or heart out是表示to cry excessively or inconsolably,表示“哭得十分伤心”,意思是把眼睛或心都哭出来了,而all cried out应该是更为伤心的哭。


The little girl cried her eyes out when her cat died.(猫死后,小姑娘哭得悲痛欲绝。)