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The One With The Chicken Pox


Phoebe's Navy man (Ryan) is in town for two weeks, but their plans are foiled because Phoebe has the chicken pox, and gives them to him as well. Monica tapes oven mits to their hands so they won't scratch.

Monica is releaved that Richard thinks her neurotic behavior is endearing; but she's upset that he doesn't seem to have any compulsive obsessions himself. Chandler gets Joey a job at his office, and tells him to act like a processor.

Joey takes it too far, and invents a character, "Joseph," who has a wife and kids, and who causes quite a bit of trouble for Chandler. Rachel is turned on by uniforms; Ross gets one.



乔伊表演过头了 ,还假称自己为约瑟夫,家中有妻儿。这给钱德造成了一些麻烦。


2-23Phoebe 出水痘


Phoebe 有个男友是个海军 Ryar,Phoebe 说是在华盛顿广场公 (Washington Square Park)
弹吉他的认识的,现在 Ryan 要来看望她,并且说要和她待上两周,但不巧,从第一天起,Phoebe就出水痘,因为它具有传染性,因此,两人只能保持距离。Phoebe 说:this is the most romantic disease
J’ve ever had.对了,Ross的儿子 Ben 最先出的水痘,是小家伙惹的祸吗? Who knows.

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's apartment. Ryan is walks up to the door and knocks.]

PHOEBE: Come in.

RYAN: Hey baby, I'm back... [Phoebe is sitting by the window in a veil.]

PHOEBE: Hey Ryan, what's up?

RYAN: What's goin' on?

PHOEBE: Well, no no, you have to stay back. I, I have the pox.

RYAN: Chicken or small?

PHOEBE: Chicken. Which is so ironic considering I'm a vegetarian.


水痘 (chickcnpox)
虽然具有传染性 (infectious),但是只要你得过,再不会出水痘的;不过,要是还没有得过水痘的,就说不准了。
(If you
haven’t already had it,chances are you’re gonna get it.) 六人中,还就只有Phoebe 从没得过。巧的是,Ryan 也没得过水痘。

Ryan 说,如果上天能实现他的一个愿望,这个愿望就是建造一台时光机器,回到我7岁的时候,我可以抓住那个得水痘的叫做了 jimmy Hauser 的孩子,用我的整个脸去蹭他。(If I had one wish,it would be to build a time
machine, go back to when I was 7,when Jimmy Hauser had the hicken pox.I would grab that kid and rub him all over my face.)真是感人至深!不过Phoebe 说,你还不如“但愿我没出水痘呢!”

水痘的英文是 chicken pox,也拼作 chickenpox,varicella 则是其在医学上更为专业的一种称呼,水痘是一种常见的 childhood disease,具有可传染性,但是已不再是什么严重的疾病。现在人们会接种疫苗 (vaccine) 来防止。

而 smallpox 则是“天花”,医学上拉丁语是 Variola or Variola vera,历史上,它曾经是一种致命的疾病。Smallpox was responsible for an estimated
300~500 million deaths in the 20th century.1967年,联合国卫生组织(WHO) 的估计数字是大约有1500万人得了天花,大约 two million died in that year.现在,人类早已发明了天花疫苗 (smallpox vaccine) 来预防这种疾病。

此外,还有 cowpox (牛痘),monkeypox (猴痘)等等。