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The One With Barry & Mindy's Wedding


Joey has an audition for a movie directed by Warren Beatty; the part involves kissing another man, and Joey tries to find one to practice with. Rachel prepares to be the maid of honor at Mindy's wedding to Barry. The bridesmaid's dresses are hideous. Going to the wedding is even more painful than Rachel expected.

Her dress gets caught in her underwear, she finds out that Barry's parents told everyone she was insane from syphilis, and Barry and his best man make jokes about her. But she finds the strength to stay. Chandler meets a woman on the Internet; he really likes her.

He finds out she's married, but decides to meet her anyway. She turns out to be Janice. Monica asks Richard about his plans for the future, and discovers he doesn't want to start having kids again. While at Barry and Mindy's wedding, they decide their relationship is over.

乔伊参加Warren Beatty导演的电影的试镜;





2-24-1Joey 试镜后……

在 Friends 第2季第24集中,Joey 参加了电影的试镜(audition),关键需要他亲吻另一男主角。
Joey 的接吻技术不大过关,为不失去这次演戏机会,他回来后便要拿大家练习,他整天“色迷迷”地盯着 Chandler 和Ross.周一又要审查了,
这可难坏了 Joey……

[Scene: continued from earlier]

CHANDLER: Hey, what did your agent say?

JOEY: Yep, this kiss thing is defiantly a problem, Mr. Beatty wants to see it again on Monday. Man, I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong. Oh, okay, one of you girls come over here and kiss me.

MONICA: What, forget it!

RACHEL: Yeah, right.

JOEY: Come on, I need your help here.


Monica 首先拒绝道:What?Forget it!什么?想都别想!美的你!后来Joey又居然把主意打到了 Chandler 身上,Chandler不耐烦地说:Joey,no means no! (不行就是不行!你烦不烦人啊!?) Forget it!有“拉倒吧,别往心里去”等意思。还有一个习惯用语就是:Forget about it!意思也比较接近,主要有“算不了什么,别再提了,随他去吧”等意。

英语中有许多表示拒绝别人的说法,有一次在校园里无意中听到两位同学聊天时甩出一句“No door!”让笔者好一通纳闷,估计他是想说“没门儿”吧,不过英语中的“没门儿”和“门”没关系,而是 No way!还有一个类似的表达是 Not a chance!
(门儿都没有!)如果下次有人和你借钱,你可以说:Me,lend you money? Not a chance! 如果是你不喜欢的男生约你:Let’s go for aridc.你也可以坚决地说:Nothing doing! 不过,生活中还是客气一些好。


—Sorry,I just broke your watch.

— That’s all right.


makc tea 是指沏茶,make one’s mouth water 则形容什么东西特别好吃,馋得人直流口水,但你想给人家倒杯水却千万不能用 make water,因为那是“小便”的意思。

再比如:Are you pulling my leg? 不是说你拉了他的腿,而是说“你在开玩笑吧?” 相当于 Are you kidding?还有,tail winds 是“顺风”而不是“尾风”;eleventh hour 是“最后时刻”而不是“十一点”等等。总之,你要万分小心:You can’t be too careful with those expressions.(对这样的表达怎么小心都不过分。)

2-24-2厉害的 tough

Chandler 交了网友(cyben triend) ,并与其十分投机。在phoebe 的帮助下,他获知心仪已久的女网友原来已经结婚,于是他很是伤心失望。不过,在 Phoebe 的劝说下,他还是决定见网友一面,竟发现他的网友是 Fanice,那个张口就是 OH...My... GOD 的那位,世界真小 (What a small world) !

PHOEBE: Okay, ask her 'What is her current method of birth control?'

CHANDLER: All right. (reading her answer) "My husband is sleeping with his secretary." She's married!

PHOEBE: Well at least we know she's a woman.

CHANDLER: I can't believe she's married.

JOEY: Aw, man I'm sorry (starts rubbing Chandler's shoulder). This must be very tough for ya, huh (and starts comfroting him looking for a kiss).

[Scene: Barry and Mindy's wedding, Monica and Richard are standing in the lobby]

MONICA: So, I read this article in the paper the other day that says you're not supposed to throw rice at weddings, because when pigeons eat rice it kills them.

PHOEBE: She wants to meet you in person.

CHANDLER: Hey, look, Phoebe I wanted to meet her in person too, okay, but she's married, she has a husband.


你有过网恋 (cyber love) 的经历吗?或是你正在网恋?与网友见过面吗?是不是也会像 Chandler 一样发现与自己情投意合的网友竟是自己讨厌的人呢?大家可要 Watch out the cyber love trap!
(小心网恋的陷阱!)一屡有报道说网恋者被骗、被伤害或卷入了绯闻之中 (Reports are continuously emerging of cyber lovers being cheated,hurt or involvcd in scandals.)更有甚者,有的人因网恋弄得 marriages ruined in real life! 好了,言归正传!

在这集中,Joey 试镜后,急需在生活中找到可以被吻的男主角以练习演技。可怜的 Chandler 此时差点被 Joey 得手。看到摘录部分中的 rub了吗?他在摸 Chandler 的肩呢!

Joey想通过安慰 Chandler 而借故亲近他,所以用了 tough 这个词,以告诉Chandler 我 Joey 很理解你的心情,我就是你的“知己”。英语中 tough 是个含义极丰富的词。Joey 这里的 tough 指“伤心难过,难以接受”。

此外,如果你想形容老师很严格、厉害,也可以用 tough 来形容。例如:The professor is tough.
(这个教授教课很严格。)这句话你也可以说成:The professor goes for kill.就是说这个教授“支持杀戮”,下手绝不留情。He is really a tough guy;he takes no prisoner.

除此之外,tough 还有很多的意思,如:The meat is tough.是指“肉太硬、咬不动”(difficult to cut or chew);tough it out 则有“忍耐,硬撑下去”(endure;to get through despite hardship)的意思;tough guy 则是“硬汉”,有时也有“无赖”的意思。tough mountaineers 指“强壮的山民”,tough 意为strong;a tough winter 表示“严冬”,此时 tough 表示天气 harsh or severe;a tough street group 表示“蛮横的街匪路霸”,此时 tough 表示 inclined to violent or disruptive behavior;a tough negotiator 则表示“态度坚决的谈判者”,此时tough 表示strong-minded;resolutc;俚语中,tough还表示 too bad,例如tough luck指“运气糟透了”;而 have a tough time of it 是指“日子不好过”。等等。