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The One With Joey's Dirty Day


Joey goes fishing and comes back smelly... and doesn't get a chance to shower before he goes to work on a new movie with Charlton Heston; he gets caught cleaning up in the only shower on the set--in Mr. Heston's dressing room. Joshua invites Rachel to a club opening but she's already agreed to take her boss's niece (Emily) to the opera; Ross agrees to fill in for her with the niece, and they hit it off much better than first impressions would indicate; meanwhile, Rachel's date falls through when a rain storm smears her name off the club's guest list. Chandler continues recovering from his break-up with Kathy, but can't move on to phase two, because there's no one with which to go to a strip club... except Monica and Phoebe.

乔伊去钓鱼,回来后散发臭气……他没来得及洗澡就熟睡过去,次日大早接到电影通告,乔伊将和名演员Charlton Heston同台演戏的机会;




Worth one's salt

Joey 因为太忙而来不及洗澡,
浑身 smelly,
接着接到通知,有机会和美国大牌明星 Charlton 合作拍戏;
但是由于 Joey太臭,
他不得不冒险到 Heston 的浴室冲凉,
结果被 Heston 逮了个正着……

Joey: No-no-no, no, no, wait. You see, I'm an actor, Joey Tribbiani, I'm doing a scene with you today, and well, I stink.

Charlton Heston: (shocked) You're in this picture?

Joey: Yeah-yeah, I'm one of the cops that won't work with you 'Cause you a lose cannon. Anyway, look, I'm really sorry, but I stink!

Charlton Heston: Joey, right?

Joey: Yeah.


Charlton Heston: I don't know one actor worth his salt that didn't say at one time or another, "God, I stink!" Hell, I just did a scene out there, first take, I stunk the place up. But, the important thing you must remember, no matter how badly you think you might stink, you must never, ever bust into my dressing room and use my shower! Do you understand me?!

Joey: Yes sir! Yes sir, I'm--I'm?he starts to leave)

Charlton Heston: Wait a minute! Take your pants.


Joey 的合作伙伴 Charlton Heston 是美国著名影星,他的代表作首推Ben—Hur (《宾虚》,1959年),该片曾荣获十一项奥斯卡金像奖,Charltort Heston 扮演的武士 Judah Ben—Hur形象深入人心,这次的 guest star(友情客串)正是他本人。

在两人的对话中,其实还提到三位演员的名字,一位是 Kurt Douglas,还有两位是 Lawrence oliver,以及 Bob Redford,他们都是美国著名的演员。

在古代,盐是非常值钱的,盐的买卖也掌握在官府手中,普通百姓贩盐如同现在贩毒一样。所以,它曾作为支付工资的手段出现过。worth one's salt 是指“称职、有能力,能胜任”(efficient and capable) 的意思,原因如上所述,盐曾作为工资支付手段,工资 salary 正是源于此。例如:

That actor is not worth his salt.(那个演员不称职。)

与盐有关的短语很多,如 rub salt in an old wound,表示“故意提及伤心往事” (to intentionally bring back the pain of a past experience,or to
intentionally cause someone to feel pain by revisiting a painful experience.);


一Hey,do you remember that time you were giving a speech and you
dropped your laptop computer? (嘿!你还记得那次你发言的时候,弄掉笔记本电脑的那件事吗?)

一Oh please,let's not rub salt in old wounds! (噢,拜托!你不要提那些伤心往事了。)

above the salt表示“坐贵宾席,受尊重”的意思;与之相反,below the
salt指“坐普通席,坐下席”。the salt of the earth意思为“社会中坚、人类精华”。等等。

loose cannon 是指“无法控制而引发危险的人” (one that is uncontrolled
and therefore poses danger)。例如:We can't trust her to talk to the press—she's a loose cannon.(我们无法信任他和媒体直接通话,因为她是个不好驾驭的危险分子。)