The One With Ross's Wedding
Ross, Monica, Joey, and Chandler leave for London; Phoebe's pregancy prohibits travel and Rachel stays to take care of her... and to avoid the emotional strain of watching Ross get married. Joey and Chandler go sight-seeing, but Joey's tourist behavior embarrasses Chandler and they split up for the day; Chandler has a lousy time, but Joey has a great day... including a visit with the Duchess of York. Emily stresses about the wedding arrangements, and everything is on the verge of collapsing when the demolition work starts on the building where they were to wed. Monica suggests they postpone the wedding (an idea which leads to more problems). Rachel realizes she's still in love with Ross, and tries to console herself by shopping; Phoebe also tries to help her get over Ross. When all this fails, Rachel decides to leave right away for London to tell Ross how she feels.
Phoebe fights phone friction while trying to warn Joey and Chandler that Rachel is on her way to ruin the wedding. Joey gets homesick... until he finds a cute bridesmaid (Felicity) who wants to know him better. The Gellers meet the Walthams; Jack Geller has agreed to pay for half of the wedding... until he finds out Mr. Waltham is counting his house remodeling as a wedding expense. Rachel tries and tries again to get on a flight to London; she gets underway but annoys the other passengers. Chandler and Monica have a difficult time at the rehearsal dinner; they console each other, and end up sleeping together. The next day, Joey, Chandler, and Monica watch for Rachel before the wedding; she slips in while Joey makes out with Felicity, but decides not to tell Ross how she feels. During the wedding ceremony, Ross accidentally speaks Rachel's name instead of Emily's, halting the proceedings.
Ross与Emily的婚礼就要在.Eoruto举行了,几人飞抵伦敦后,Joey和(Chandler开始了他们的观光之旅。一出Gondon Marriott(伦敦万豪酒店), Joey就拿着一个a uideo and is shooting Chandler,但Chandter显然不想配合他。紧接着,两人决定第一站要到举世闻名的Westminsten Abbey(威新敏斯特大教堂,一译西敏寺)观光,但是滑稽的是,Joey没有任何方向感,他拿出了一张“popup”map ot Gondon (伦敦的“立体”地图).
但只要Chndler再稍稍犹豫, 他在马还得重新跳入地图纸中,难怪Chandler觉得和他一起旅游丢人(embarrassing).
[Scene: Westminster Abbey, Joey and Chandler have successfully navigated the streets of London and are approaching the Abbey.]
Joey: All right! Westminster Abbey! Hands down, best Abbey I've ever seen. Hey! (Pushes Chandler in front of the camera.) Okay. What do you think of the Abbey, Chandler?
Chandler: I think it's great. It's great. Y'know, they're thinking of changing the name of this place.
Joey: Really? To what?
Chandler: To Put the Camera Away!!!
Joey: Man, you are Westminster Crabby. (He starts chasing Chandler towards the Abbey.)
Westminster Abbey是“威斯敏斯特大教堂”,一译“西敏寺”,估计是译者最初考虑到west这个词头,采用音意结合的翻译方法得来;Westminster Abbey是伦敦的地标建筑,也是世界上知名的、历电悠久、规模宏大的教堂之一。
英国的希主以及一些重要王室成员去世后,会被安葬在这里,PrincessDiana(戴安娜王妃)就葬在这里;历史上一些科学家如CharIes Darwin(达尔文)、Sir Isaac Newton(牛顿)也埋葬在这里。它属典型的哥特式(Gothic)建筑,坐落在泰晤士河畔喧嚣的闹市区,毗邻议会大厦和唐宁街10号(10 Downing Street)首相官邸。
威斯敏斯特大教堂最为著名的景点有诗人之角(Poets’Corner)和无名战士纪念碑(Tomb or the Unknown Solider)。诗人之角有许多文学伟人的纪念碑与纪念文物,如莎士比亚、狄更斯等人,也有许多纪念文物在此展出。
镜头中出现的Buckingham Palace(白金汉宫),London Bridge(伦敦桥),Big Ben(大笨钟),and the London Marriott(伦敦万豪酒店),镜头中没有出现,但同样闻名于世的还有Hyde Park(海德公园),parliament Square(国会广场),British Museum(大英博物馆),St.Paul’s Cathedral(圣保罗大教堂)等。
Joey说Chandler是Westminster Crabby,是想和Westminster Abbey形成韵脚,以达到幽默效果,意思是Chandler太容易生气、太暴躁。由于Westminster Abbey译作“威斯敏斯特大教堂”,所以,笔者试着将
“Westminster Crabby”译成“威斯敏斯特小暴郎”,以达到原文的韵味;crabby本是“暴躁的”意思,在这里可以用来指脾气暴躁的人。
Chandler最后还觉得Joey太丢人,所以说“Don’t you think you’veembarrassed me enough for one day?’’意思是“你觉得今天给我丢人还丢的不够啊?”之后,两人分道扬镳,各逛各的去了。
hands down是个习惯用语,表示“轻而易举(easily,without effort),毫无疑问(unquestionably,without a doubt)”。这个短语来源于赛马比赛。在比赛中,职业的赛马骑师确定会赢得比赛时,会把他们的手放下来,放开缰绳。表示轻而易举也可以说成in a breeze,或者in a walk。例如:
·She won,the election hands down.(她轻易地赢得了选举。)
·The top players get through the first rounds o f the tournament in a walk.(那几名优秀的运动员不费吹灰之力就通过了锦标赛的头几轮。)
·Hands down。it was the best thing.I’ve ever done.(毫无疑问,这是我所做过的最好的事情。)
她想告诉Ross她爱他。这可忙坏了大肚子的Phoebe,她先是想办法打电话到Emily(Ross的未婚妻)家(在伦敦),谁想被管家奚诱了一番,还教训她不懂得如何打电话;Phoebe气得大骂管家老太太,说要踢她的屁股:她又把电话打到Emily的妈妈那里,没想到由于自己的解释不慎,吓着了Emily妈妈,因为她说“I’m having my
brother’s tables.”
Besides.emily’s mother is very raerd;然后,Phoebe又把电话打到了Joey那里,Joey却急着要告诉Phoebe他和伴娘的“故事”
(attairs),而且逐似乎听不懂Phoebe的意思,不过最后逐是听懂了其中的意思,with the help of a note pad and a pen……
Housekeeper: The Waltham Residence.
Phoebe: Oh...yes..is this..umm..Emily's Parents?house.
Housekeeper: This is the housekeeper speaking. And by the way, young lady, that is not how one addresses oneself on the telephone. First one identifies oneself and then asks for the person with whom one wishes to speak.
Phoebe: (In a British accent) This is Phoebe Buffay. I was wondering, please, if-if it's not too much trouble, please, umm, might I speak to Miss Emily Waltham, please?
Housekeeper: Miss Waltham, is at the rehearsal dinner and it's not polite to make fun of people. Goodbye.
Phoebe: No no no, I'll be nice, I swear!!! Could you just give me the number for where they are?
Housekeeper: I'm afraid, I'm not at liberty to divulge that information.
Phoebe在给Ioey打电话时说we have an emergency,意思是“我有急事”。通常,我们用house说房子这个词就可以了,但是英国的老太太管家用词显然十分讲究,她用的词是residence(宅)。
rehearsal是彩排,预演,每逢重大的活动,人们为了避免在重大的场合犯错误,均要进行准备,例如:·camera rehearsal是指“摄影排演”;dreSS rehearsal是“着装彩排”;dry rehearsal是“不用摄影机的排演”;studio camera rehearsal是“演播室排演”。
swear意为“发誓”,有一首很好听的歌曲叫I Swear,是美国艺人Kenny Rogers的名作,歌词很好,又非常贴近本主题。我们可以欣赏其中几句:
I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky(对着天空中的月亮、星星,我发誓)And I swear like the shadow that’s by your side(我会如影随形般的陪在你身旁)I see the questions in your eyes(我看到你眼里的疑虑)I know what’s weighing on your mind(我也明白你心里的重担)You can be sure I know my heart(你可以相信我很清楚自己)Coz I’ll stand beside you through the years(因为我会站在你身边,岁岁年年)You’ll only cry those happy tears(你只会喜极而泣)And though I make mistakes(即使我犯了错)I’ll never break your heart(也不会伤你的心)For better or worse,till death do us part(不论未来是好是坏,直到死亡将我俩拆散)I’ll love you with every beat of my heart(我会用每一次心跳来爱你)And I swear(我发誓)I’ll give you every thing I can(我会尽我所能给你一切)I’ll build your
dreams with these tWO hands(用双手打造你的梦境)We’ll hang some memories on the walls(把回忆挂在墙上)And when iust the tWO of us are there(当只有我俩的时候)You won’t have to ask ifI still care(你不必再问我是否依然在乎)Coz as the time turns the page(因为纵使时光翻到下一页)My love won’t age at all(我的爱也不会变老)
另外,at liberty意为“不受约束的或不受限制的(not in confinement or under constraint)”。例如:
I am afraid that I am not at liberty to answer this question.(对不起,我无权回答这个问题。)
晚宴过后,Chandler和Moica坐在沙发上各怀心事,Chandler觉得自己刚才的讲话很丢人(embarrassing),而一个醉鬼把monica认成了Ross的妈妈Monica觉得十分郁闷,她怎么一下子成了一个 a single mom,with thirty yent old son!想知道Monica和Chandler这对失意的人发生了什么了吗?
英语中,teenage是指“13—19岁的”,(of,relating to,or applicable to those aged 13 through 19);严格地讲,这里应该用teenager这个词,因为teenage是形容词,而teenager是名词,指“13一19岁的人”(a person between the ages of 13 and 19;an adolescent)。而teens除表示数字“13—19”外,还表示teen的复数,teen是teenager的另一种说法。teener是一种不太正式的说法,也表示teenager,我们还可以说the teenaged;说了这么多,大家想没想过,我们为什么要翻译为“13一19岁的人”?这是因为,在英语中12是twelve,从13开始一直到19每个数字的结尾都是teen,所以,它表示这个年龄段。teenager有时可笼统的译为“十几岁的孩子”。
因为这是一个逆反的年龄,这个年龄段的孩子发生的问题很多,例如:teenage pregnancy(早孕),substance abuse(滥用毒品),violence(暴力),iuvenle delinquency(青少年犯罪),suicide(自杀),depression(意志消沉),unintentional iniuries(非故意伤害)以及school failure(学业不成功)等。
比如,这个片段中,醉鬼认为Monica一定是十几岁时就生了Ross,要不现在也不会这么“年轻”,这句话伤透了她的心。这就反映了一些社会问题,即早孕,以及单身妈妈问题。其实,Friends中,Phoebe的弟弟应该就是一个典型的teenage daddy。
Molescent是比teenager略大一些的人,可以译为“青少年”,指已经过puberw(青春期,一般男生14岁,女12岁)但尚未完全成熟的年轻人(a young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity)。
这个词来源于拉丁语add&ere,它表示“成长为成年人”(to grow up)。
vouth也可表示“青少年”。Commonly,a youth is defined as being somewhere between age 12 and age 25,with different countries and administrative regions choosing more narrow definitions within that frame.
However.many“youth”programs—such as internships(实习项目),exchanges(交换项目),scholarships and employment programs—acceptapplicants up to age 30.