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The One With The Inappropriate Sister


Because of his boredom while away from work, Ross offers to help Joey focus on writing a movie. Things get a little tense, however, when Ross wants Joey to work and Chandler wants to play 'Fireball.' Phoebe volunteers to collect Christmas donations for the poor, but ends up getting a bucket full of unwanted 'contributions,' so she gets tough with the donors. Monica arranges for Rachel and Danny to go out. It seems to be going very well until Rachel discovers that Danny has an unusually close relationship with his sister, Krista.




5-10 实用电话英语


上集中, Ross的三明沼彼上司误吃,他极为愤怒。对上司声吼叫,同事都叫他“神经病”,上司建议他去看心理医生,结果医生叫他服了镇静药,精神病医生让他休假。一下子没了工作, Ross觉得闲得发慌。于是, Joey想帮助他放松一下,找点儿乐子,Joey便又假装起Chandlen的一个暗恋者,给Chandler打骚扰电话。电话那头的Chandler对六个月以来莫名其妙的骚扰电话愤怒不已,而电话这头的Ross和Joev却在偷偷窃笑。此后,停职后的Ross百无聊赖,想教Joey写电影剧本。


Joey: Ohh, no, no. We're not going to just sit. (Joey sits down and hits the speed dial button on the phone.) Shhh. (It begins to ring.)

Chandler: (Answering the phone at work) Hello, Chandler Bing.

Joey: (In a high pitched female voice) Hello Mr. Bing...I love you.

Chandler: (Angrily) Alright, whoever this is, stop calling me! (Ross and Joey laugh silently.) It's been six months! It's not funny!

Joey: But, I love you.

Chandler: Leave me alone! For the love of God, leave me alone!!! (Joey hangs up.)


这里所出现的“dial”和“hang up”是电话英语里常见的用法。随着通信技术的发展,相互的沟通通过电话显得越来越便捷。英语通话有其特定的语言规范,英汉电话用语有一定的差异,切忌用汉语的模式来套用。大家几乎都有手机,如果留心地话,会听到一些电话英语,比如说:

·You have an incoming call.(你有一个来电。)

·You have a missed call.(你有未接来电。)

·The subscriber you dialed is power-off.


·The subscriber you dialed is busy.Please wait and redial.


·The line is busy/The line is engaged.(线路繁忙。/占线。)


首先,请求接线员/总机接通电话(asking the operator/switchboard to put you through)你可以说:

·Can you help me to reach sb?(能帮我接一下……吗?)

·Can you put me through to extension 911?


·Could you do me a favor and give me extension 911。please?


·Can you connect me with...?(请给我接……好吗?)

I’d like to speak to sb.Please put my call through to sb.


·I’d like to place a long distance call to…


·May I speak to Mr.Wang?(请问王先生在吗?)

·Is this...?(你是……吗?)

·Operator,I was cut off./I’ve been disconnected.


·Hold the line please.ok,you are through nOW.Receiver is on the line now.Go ahead,speak up.


其次:我们接电话(answeri’ng a phone call)时,通常会说:“喂,谁呀?”不同于中国人接电话的习惯,西方人一接起电话,不是问对方是谁,而是自报姓名。

·Hello,this is...speaking.Who’S calling?


Hello,this is...here.And who is that?


Hello,Human Resource Department.Whorll am I speaking to?



·Speaking./That’s me.(我就是。)

·This is he/she(speaking).(这就是。)


·Hang on/Hold on/A moment,please.I’ll see if he/she is in.


·Let me see whether I can get him/her on the phone.


·Would you please hold the line just a minute?He’ll be right with you.


·Sorry,he/she is out/not in now./Sorry,but he/she is not available now.



Sorry,he/she is tied up right now and couldn’t get to the phone.He/She will call you back later.


·I’m afraid you’ve got/dialed a wrong number.(恐怕你打错电话了。)


·...,your phone call!/...,you are wanted on the phone!


·There’s a phone call for you.(这有你的电话。)

·...。somebody is asking for you on the phone.(电话里有人找你。)

·...,telephone!It’s for you.(……,电话!找你的。)


·May I take a message?(要留话儿吗?)

·Would you care/like to leave a message?(您能留个话吗?)

·I’ll tell him that you called as soon as he comes back.


·I’ll tell him to call you back later.(我会让他稍后给你回电。)

我们还可以注意一下Friends中出现的其他电话英语情形,第1季第20集中,Joey和Monica他们寓所的对面一直有个人拿着望远镜偷窥他们的一举一动,这让他们非常不自在。通过门房,Joey打听到了偷窥者的名字叫Sidney,遂拨通了他寓所的电话。电话接通后,Joey说:Yeah,is Sidney there?(喂,请问Sidney在吗?)

这种打电话的方式非常随便。你也可以说:Could I speak to Sidney,please?(能不能请Sidney听电话?)或:Hello?Get me Sidney on the phone please.(喂?请Sidney听电话。)本打算斥责一通他的这种不道德的行为,可等对方接了电话他才知道偷窥者是个女的。回答的时候,Joey竟然和人家聊了起来,还说自己平时的运动也就是free weight。所谓“free weight”其实就是举举哑铃(dumbbell)或是杠铃(barbell)什么的运动。


常常打电话时,你会先报自家姓名,然后再说出通话的对象:Hello!This is Iohn Curtain speaking.Is Mr.Doner in?(喂?我是John Curtain。Doner先生在吗?)电话接通后,如果你听出对方是谁,你可以说:Is that you,Mr.Mailer?(是Mailer先生吗?)


Hello.(喂。)但要注意的是Hello.只说一次就可以了,不要像中文那样有时连说几次“喂喂”。假如你在公司工作,可以这样接电话:Hello,International Office Equipment.May I help you?(你好,国际办公设备。有什么需要帮忙的吗?)

如果是本人接电话,你可以说:Hello? This is John here.Who’s speaking?(喂?我是lohn。您哪一位?)当然为了省事,你也可以简单地说:This is.he/she.(我就是。)或:Speaking.(我是。)

如果对方要找的人不在附近,你要去看看他在不在时应该说:Would you hold?I’ll see ifhe’s in.(你稍等,我去看看他在不在。)如果对方在,你要去把他叫来时应该说:Just a minute,I’ll get her.(稍等一下,我把他叫来听电话。)表示“稍等”的说法还有:Hold on.;Just a sec.;Hang on;Hold on a sec.;Wait a minute.;Hold the line.等。

如果对方要找的人不在,则应该说:Sorry,but he’s not here at the moment.(对不起,他现在不在这儿。)或:Sorry,but he’s out.(对不起,他出去了。)如果想问对方是否留口信,可以说:Can I take a message?(要留个口信吗?)复杂一些还可以说:Do you want to leave word with me that you called?(你想留话让我转达吗,就说你打过电话了?)或:Will you call back laler or I should leave word for him to call you?(你以后再打电话来,还是留个信叫他打电话给你?)

有时我们会打错电话。人难免都会犯错,不是有这样一句话么:To err is human,to forgive divine.(犯错人皆难免,宽恕则属超凡。)关键是打错电话可不能一言不发就挂断,应该直接道歉:I’m sorry.I must have the wrong number.(抱歉,我打错了。)而接到对方打错电话时可以说:

You’ve got the wrong number.(你打错了。)或:There’s no ODe here bv that name.You must have dialed the wrong number.(这里没有这个人,你肯定打错了。)

hang up在这里的意思是“挂断电话,结束电话交谈。”例如:How dare you to hang up on me?(你竟然敢挂我的电话?)此外,它还有“搁置,中止,拖延,妨碍,推迟”的意思,相当于delay,postpone,put off,impede,hinder等。例如:Budget problems hung up the project for months.


另一个较常用的短语是“hang on”,它可用作电话用语,意思是“别挂断”。例如:Hang on.She will be on the phone in a second.(别挂断电话。她一会儿就会来接电话。)日常生活中,当我们想让对方稍等片刻时,也常用“hang on”,相当于“hold on”。例如:Hang on a minute;I’m iust coming.(请稍等一下,我马上就来。)又如:Hang on!Hold on!I’ll check it out for you.(稍等一下,我给你.查一下。)