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The One With Chandler's Work Laugh


Rachel tries to learn more about Chandler and Monica's relationship; when Rachel confronts her, Monica makes up some pretty lame lies to cover it up. Ross finds out Emily is engaged to be married again; he goes out on the town and somehow hooks up with Janice. Their relationship starts out great, but soon Janice can't stand Ross's constant whining and she breaks it off. Chandler takes Monica to a work party, as well as some outings with Chandler's boss and his wife; Monica learns that 'Work Chandler' is a suck-up with an exaggerated laugh. Phoebe and Joey race birds.




5-12 灵活的英语词性


还是在Central Peck,不同的是Ross很沮丧地进来,直奔柜台要了一份司康饼(scone),然后告诉大家一则“好消息”:“你们要听吗?(wanna hear some good news?)我认识的一个人要结婚了!顺便提一下(by-the-by),她就是我的前妻Emily!”


Gunther: Here's your scone.
Ross: Oh, thanks Gunther. (He takes it, hands the plate it's on to Rachel, sets it down on the table, and proceeds to pound it into oblivion while saying.) STUPID BRITISH SNACK FOOD!!!!!!!
Chandler: Did they teach you that in your anger management class?
Phoebe: Hey, you know what might help you deal with it? Think of it this way, you and Emily are in the past and you can't be mad about the past. So are you still mad about the Louisiana Purchase?
Rachel: Pheebs, I don抰 think anyone's mad about that.
Phoebe: Exactly! Because it's in the past!
Joey: (eyeing the flattened scone) Anybody gonna eat that?


eye作为“眼睛”这个意思,想必读者都知道,但是eye还有“To look at someone or something as if with the intent to do something with that person or thing.”(即看着某人或某个东西,好像要做点与这个人或这件事相关的事情。)可简单地译为“注视”。如:Ross is eyeing a beautiful woman at the counter.

它的现在分词(present participle)是eyeing或者eying,过去式(past tease)和过去分词(past participle)是eyed。再例如:
One morning when I went down stairs to the kitchen,there was a fa miliar-looking biscuit tin in the table.I eyed it as I went to the refrigerator.(一天早晨,当我下楼到厨房的时候,桌子上有一只看上去十分熟悉的饼干盒。我一边注视着它看,一边走向冰箱。)

英语中,这种活用的现象十分普遍。在Friends的第2季第1集中,有一次Phoebe说:“All right.Ok,but,but!You have to promise that you will not be all like controly and bossy and Monica about it.”在这句话中,Monica一跃变成了形容词,若细想她平时的言行及性格特点,其中内涵丰富又无须言明,这是多少个形容词都不能涵盖的呀!


—I don't know how much to tip.

—You may tip the waitress or waiter as much as you please.Generally,the tip is between 15%and 20%of the bill.


bag可表示“打包”(to put into a bag),如:Can you bag the stuff for me?(您能帮我把这些打包吗?)

book可表示“预定”(reserve something for future use),如:I want to book a hotel room for tomorrow night.(我想预定个明晚的房间。)当然,book当动词,还表示“(逮捕)登记;快速进行”等意思。pocket可表示“装在口袋里”(to put something into a pocket),如:Bill pocketed all the money.(比尔把钱都装入了自己的腰包。)

cup可表示“(把手)弄成杯状”(to form into the shape of a cup,particularly of the hands),如:Cup your hands and I’ll pour some rice into them.(把你的两只手合在一起,我往进倒点米。)

有一次,Ross玩起了音乐,其他人都无法忍受,惟独Phoebe觉得他弹的实在是棒极了,她说:I feel so dwarfed by your musical gift.dwarf本是“侏儒、矮子”,但这里却用作了动词,这里Phoebe是说:我的音乐才能真是不及你啊,这才叫相形见绌。