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The One With All The Resolutions


Joey makes it possible for Monica and Chandler to kiss at midnight on New Years, by arranging kisses between Ross and Phoebe, and Rachel and himself. Everyone makes resolutions: Ross will do one new thing everyday; Chandler will stop making fun of his friends... for at least a week; Rachel won't gossip; Joey will learn the guitar; Monica will take more pictures of everyone together; and Phoebe will pilot a commercial jet. While on a date with a new girl (Elizabeth Hornswoggle) Ross' new pair of leather pants is so hot and tight that he can't get them back on after taking them off to cool down in the bathroom. He calls Joey for advice, which leads to attempts first with powder and then with lotion, which just make things worse. Joey's guitar teacher is Phoebe, who doesn't know any actual chord names. Rachel finds out about Monica and Chandler, and is dying to tell someone; she tries to tell Joey but he's so tired of keeping secrets, he won't listen. Chandler can't stand holding in the wisecracks.





5-11 新年的决心


日子就在感恩节、圣诞节、新年中走马灯似地一天一天过去了,每个节日都有各自的特色传统,新年新气象,恰好是表决心的好时机。99年的新年到了,六人的决心是什么呢?Ross的决心(愿望)是no divorces in ’99;而Monica则想take more pictures of all of them fogether; Chandler的目标是不开朋友的玩笑;

Phoebe想pilot a commercial jet,众人劝Rachel在新的一年gossless:Joey想学吉他……

[Scene: Monica and Rachel's, after the party. Everyone has left, except for the gang.]
Ross: Y'know what? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no divorces in '99!
Rachel: But your divorce isn't even final yet.
Ross: Just the one divorce in '99! Y'know what, I am gonna be happy this year. I am gonna make myself happy.
Chandler: Do you want us to leave the room, or?
Ross: Everyday I am gonna do one thing that I haven't done before. That my friends is my New Year's resolution.
Phoebe: Ooh! That's a good one! Mine is to pilot a commercial jet.


Ross的New Year’s resolution似乎是一则激情澎湃的演讲。其中,go oul on a limb的意思是“take a risk to support someone or something”,这一短看来源于the danger involved in going out onto the limb of a tree;the limb of a trre是指“树枝”。意思是把好走的路让给别人,自己走不好走的道(to put yourself in a risky position in order to help another person is to go)。

所以,go out on a limb可以翻译为“尽全力做某事”。例如:
You know I’m always here to help you and would go out on a limb if you asked me to.

I’ve already gone out on a limb;there is nothing more I can do for you.

resolution事实上是一个很大的词,表示“决心、正式决定、决议”等,例如:show great resolution(表示极大的决心);a man ot great resolutlon(极其果断的人);adopt a resolution(通过决议);joint resolution(共同决议)等。但是,什么样的决心才是可以实现的决心呢?下面的这篇短文也许可以给你提供些许灵感。

10 Tips for New Year’s Resolutions By Amber J.Tresca The best wav to keep your resolution is to plan ahead.Chances are,at some time in your li fe you've made a New Year's Resolution-and then broken it.This year,stop the cycle of resolving to make change,but not following through Here are 10 tips to help get you started.

1.Be realistic:The surest way to fall short of your goal is to make your goal unattainable.For instance,resolving to never eat your favorite desserts again could be a bad choice.Strive for a goal that is attainable.

2.Plan ahead:Don’t make your resolution on New Year’s Eve.If you wait until the last minute,it will be based on your mind—set that particular day.Instead it shOHld be weU planned before December 31 arriVes.

3.outline youl"plan:Decide how yOH will deal with the temptation to skip the exercise class,or j ust have one more cigarette.This could include calling on a friend for help,or practicing positiVe thinking and selftalk.

4.Make a“pro”and“con”list:It may help to see a Iist of items on paper to keep your motivation strong.Develop this list over time,and ask others to contribute to it.Keep your list with yOH and fefer to it when you need help keeping your resolVe.

5.Talk abOllt it:Don’t keep your resolution a secret.Tell friends and family members who will be there to support your resolVe to change yourself for the better.The best case scenario is to find yourself a buddy who shares your New Year’s resolution and motiVate each other.

6.Reward yourself:This doesn’t mean that if your resolution is to diet you can eat an entire box of chocolates.Instead,eelebrate your success by treating yourself to something that you enjoy.

7. Track yollr progress:Keep track of each small success you mflke toward reaching your larger goal.Short—term goals are easierto keep,and small accomplishments will help keep you motiVated.

8.Don’t beat youl’seIf up:Obsessing over the occasional slip won’t help you achieve your goal.Do the best you can each day,and take them one at a time.

Stick to it:Experts say it takes about 21 days for a new actiVity,such as exereising,to become a habit,and 6 months for it to become part of your personality.

10.Keep trying:If your resolution has totally run out of steam by mid February,don’t despair.Start over again!There’s no reason yoH can’t make a“New Year’s Resolution”any time of year.