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The One Where They're Up All Night

After watching for a comet on the roof of their building, the gang goes their separate ways; but all end up staying up all night. Joey and Ross get stuck on the roof and spend the night trying to get down. Rachel and Tag spend the night trying to find some important documents that were supposed to get sent earlier that day. Phoebe is kept awake by the smoke alarm that won't die. Monica and Chandler can't get to sleep and spend the night reading, talking, coupling, and cleaning.



7-12   辗转反侧



Chandler: Sorry, I just…can't sleep. Ooh! (Turns onthe light and Monica groans.) Where is that book that you are reading with thetwo women who were ice-skating and wearing, wearing those hats with the flowerson it? Because every time I look at that cover I'm like…Fake snores.)

Monica: It is in the living roomwhere there is also a light! And no one will kick you in the shin.

Chandler: What? (Monica kicks him in the shin.) Ow!(He gets out of bed and heads into the living room.)


chandler睡不着觉,他打开灯想看会儿书,烦得Monica把他往客厅撵:It is in the living room where there is also alight!And no one will kick you in tee shin.(客厅也有灯,而且还不会有人踢你的小腿。)kick someone in the shin可按字面意思理解成“踢某人的小腿”,但如果按字面来理解kick the bucket那就大错特错了。

kick the bucket是英国俚语,其表面意思是踢掉水桶或踢倒屠宰架,通常用于比喻死亡或寿终正寝。有关这个俚语的来源,一种说法是根据英国16世纪的民间故事来的。有个马倌儿自尽,他先站在一个水桶(bucket)上面,在房梁上栓好绳子,套在自己的脖子上,然后踢开了脚下的桶。因此,人们用kick the bucket来比喻死亡。但此种说法比较牵强,因为kick the bucket一语并不表示自杀(commit suicide)。比较可信的说法来自古时英格兰东部一个地区。当地习惯把将要宰杀的猪,倒挂在横梁(beam)、木杠(yoke)或巨型的框架(big frame)上。这些用以悬挂猪的架子(block)很像是要用水桶(bucket)从井里提水,于是人们用bucket代替了block。

据说,待宰的猪倒挂在架子上,经常还会作一番垂死挣扎,乱蹬乱踢,甚至踢倒了屠宰架(kick the bucket)。注意,此语虽然使用灵活,但没有进行时的语法形式。下面举两个例子便于大家理解:Those guys are just waiting for their old man to kick the bucket so they can get hismoney.(那些不孝的儿女正在等待他们的老子一命呜呼以便瓜分他的财产。)I'm not at all surprised that he finally kicked the bucket.He was not in very good health.


除了踢腿部之外,也可以kick up one’s heels,踢脚后跟,通常用来比喻休闲、放松,引申的意义是指庆祝活动或玩个痛快。据说美国印第安人喜欢跳一种古老风格的欢快舞蹈。舞者跟随快速的节奏,脚跟不断互相撞击,身上佩带的饰物同时发出清脆明快的响声。印第安人在庆祝丰收或其他庆典活动中,经常跳起这种“踢脚后跟”的舞蹈。后来人们就以此语表示欢乐、热烈或狂欢。例句如下所示:After these exams are over,I intend to kick up my heels a bit.(考完试后我想玩一玩。)He had no time to take a holiday and kick up his heels when he came back from thewar.(当他从战场上归来时,甚至没有时间去休假或庆祝一番。)

如罘你能kick the habit,戒除恶习,那可是件令人happy的事。habit本来是指“习惯”,但在这一习语中加上了定冠词变成了“恶习”的意思。kick的意思是“踢”,“踢掉恶习”就是“完全戒除”。I'dlike to quit smoking,but I iust can't kickthe habit.(我不想再吸烟,可是怎么也没能完全戒除恶习。)有时把表示具体恶习的词放在habit的前面,如kick the drug habit。Once Carl kicked thedrug habit,he became a model citizen.(Carl戒掉吸毒的恶习之后就变成一个模范公民了。)如以上所讲,这种表达法一般用于“对身体健康有害的恶习”,但有时也用于其他的“恶习”:I think my brother has finally kicked the gambling habit.(我想我哥哥总算完全戒除赌博的恶习啦。)这一表达法还可以用于戏谑的场合:Ireally can't afford to date so many girls,but it's tough to kick the habit.(跟那么多的姑娘约会我承受不起,不过恶习难改啊。)