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The One With The Baby Shower

Joey, preparing to audition for a new game show, gets help rehearsing from Ross and Chandler. The complex rules are confusing at first, but after a while the guys really take a liking to it. Monica and Phoebe throw Rachel a baby shower, but forget to invite her mother until the last minute. Mrs. Green offers to live with Rachel and Ross for a couple months, to help with the baby. Rachel becomes convinced that it is necessary, but Ross doesn't share her feelings. When Joey finally goes for his audition, he learns that the game show has been simplied to a basic question and answer format.

莫妮卡和菲比准备给瑞秋开个新生儿派对,却忘了邀请瑞秋的母亲Mrs. Green。
派对开始,Mrs. Green对自己没被邀请耿耿于怀,莫妮卡竭尽全力拍她马屁,请求她的原谅。
瑞秋对抚养孩子一无所知,Mrs. Green提出住在他们家帮她带8周的孩子。


8-20 搬来同住?!

Rachel的产期临近,Monica为她操办了baby shower (宝宝送礼会),并让Phoebe负责通知亲朋好友。聚会当天,大家发现从小缺少母爱的Phoebe竟然忘了邀请Rachel的母亲Mrs. Green!无奈之中,Monica只好硬着头皮打电话向她发出迟到的邀请。 Mrs. green对此大为恼火,并对Monica一直耿耿于怀。在聚会上,Mrs.Green主动提出要搬进来与Rachel同住, 以便帮助妣照顾末采的小外孙, 这可把Rnchel难为坏了……

Rachel: You're right! You are right. I mean about to have a baby. I can tell my mother that I don't want her to sleep on my couch. Oh my God, she's going to want to sleep in my bed with me. This cannot happen.
Monica: That's right. That is right. You go over there and tell her you do no want her to live with you. Do not take no for an answer.
Rachel: Ok.
(She goes to reason with her mom.)
Monica: This is great. Now she's going to be mad at Rachel. Y'know what, and I'm just going to swoop in there and be like the daughter she never had.


由于:在聚会的最后时刻才接到邀请,Mrs.Green把怨气都发到Monica身上,任凭她怎么道歉,始终对她不依不饶。这让Monica非常生气。所以当Rachel去拒绝母亲的好意时,她才会说出这样的话来:Now she's gonna be mad at Rachel! Y’know what? And I’m just gonna swoop in there and be like the daughter she never had.(现在她该对Rachel发火了!你知道吗?我现在真想冲过去,当一把叛逆的女儿气气她!)

一提到swoop这个词,想必大家脑海中首先会浮现出:The eagle swooped down on its prey.(老鹰向着猎物猛扑下来。)这样的画面。“飞扑;扑”是swoop最基本的含义。

而在本集中Monica所说的“I’m just gonna swoop in there.”中的swoop则是表示“迅速行动;突然袭击”的意思。例如: A herd of gazelles swooped off with incredible speed and grace. (一群小羚羊以惊人的速度姿态优美地飞驰而去。)

而在下面这段描写当中,swoop的含义又有所不同:Her hair hung long on the back but was swooped up into curls on the sides. (她背后披着长发,而两边的头发则卷作小卷。)在此Swoop的意思是“把……移位”。口语中swoop有时还可以表示“(出其不意地)抓取”。陪淘气的孩子一起玩往往会牵扯大人很多精力,尤其是过马路的时候。曾经见到一位母亲在过马路时rushed after her child and swooped him up in her arms(追赶着孩子,猛地将他一把抱在怀里)。

swoop还可以用作名词。如果一下子染上了流行感冒,你可以这样用英文表达:Influenza came down upon me with a swoop.作警察的经常会采取突然行动一举抓获盗贼:The police made their swoop at night and the、robbers w ere caught.

此外,在此我还想特别介绍at(或in)one(fell)swoop这个词组,口语中经常用其表示“一举;一下子”。比如:The tornado destroyed most of thc city at one fell swoop.(龙卷风一下子毁灭了大半个城市。)该表达法的广泛使用还得归功于戏剧大师Shakespeare。

在莎翁的悲剧Macbeth(《麦克白》)第四幕第三场中,当麦克达普听说麦克白把自己的老婆孩子都杀了时,说道:O hell-kite!All? What! All my pretty chickens and their dam at one fell swoop? (哦,凶残的恶魔!全部?什么!你是说把我那些可爱的小鸡和母鸡一下子都杀了吗?)这段对白中的fell与fall的过去式是同一形式但不是同一语源。

在莎翁时代,fell用以表示“极端凶残;残暴”的意思,但该词现在已经作废,仅限于本条习语使用。同时如我上面所示,fell也可以被省略。关于这条习语再举一例: When the stock market suddenly rose。he recovered all his losses at one fell swoop. (当股票市场突然坚挺的时候,他一下子把所有的损失都捞回来了。)