The One Where No One Proposes
Joey tries to tell Rachel that he didn't really propose, but can't get a moment alone with her. Phoebe gets involved but that just confuses things. Joey tries to keep Ross away from Rachel until he can straighten it out. Monica and Chandler continue trying to get pregnant; Mr. Geller discovers them having sex in the janitor's closet and is mortified, until he learns that they're trying to conceive; then he's so enthusiastic he starts giving them advice, and Monica is mortified. Joey, Ross, and Rachel finally straighten out that no one was going to propose; Ross was just planning to ask Rachel if they could start up their relationship again. Everything is just about smoothed out when Ross realizes that Rachel is wearing the ring, and therefore must have said yes to Joey.
瑞秋认为自己同乔伊已订婚了, 而又不知这样是对是错。于是向菲比倾诉,菲比还以为瑞秋说的是罗斯呢。菲比向罗斯道贺,罗斯丈二和尚摸不着头脑。
9-01-1 Joey的求婚
Chandler: does Ross know?
Joey: Oh my god! What the hell am I gonna tell him.
Chandler: well maybe you don't have to tell him anything
Joey: oh I like that yea.
Chandler: if you clear things up with Rachel, Ross never needs to find out but you have to do it now before he finds out about it and kicks your arse.
Joey: (Laughs) now lets not get carried away)
kick your ass是美国口语中很流行的一句俚语,它并不真指“踢某人的屁股”。而是指粗暴地或粗鲁地对待某人。而真正表示踢屁股的俚语为kick in the pants。例如:
John got a kick ln the pants by his father.
kick ass指“了不起”。例如:
A:Wow,you are a fast language learner!(哇,你学语言非常快啊!)
B:Yes.I just kick ass.(对,我就是厉害。)
此外,可千万别认为kiss ass的意思是“亲屁股”。它实指“拍马屁”。
还有我们有时会听到这样的俚语:kick someone upstairs。它指使某人明升暗降。这一俚语源于旧时英国议会一种习惯做法。当一位内阁成员或议员使他所属政党处尴尬境地,他往往被授予贵族爵位并从下议院议员晋升为上议院议员。其实这是明升暗降,因为英国议会(parliament)虽然由上下两院组成,但几世纪以来,权力一直集中于下议院,下议院可以说是议会的同义词。所以它直译为“把某人踢上楼”,实指“某人明升暗降”。与此还有一个相关的短语为:kick someone downstairs,是“降某人级”之意。
和汉语一样,英语表示“死”的委婉说法也为数不少,kick the bucket即是其中之一,例如:All of their children are l‘USt waiting for the old man to kick the bucket.(所有的孩子都在等老人咽气。)
由于旧时人在悬梁自尽时常常先站在一个倒置的水桶(bucket)上,然后把系好的绳子往脖子上一套,并把垫脚的水桶一踢,这样就一命呜呼了,所以kick the bucket常被用以喻指“死”。
9-01-2 Rachel对Monica坦白
Rachel: Hey oh I need to tell you something.
Monica: well now's a good time im on my way to have my ears cut off.
Rachel: Joey asked me to marry him.
Monica: what
Rachel: Joey proposed to me.
Monica: what is he crazy you just had Ross' baby
Rachel: well I said yes.
Monica: what are you crazy you just had Ross' baby, its so inappropriate, no its worse then that it is wrong, it is bigger then mine (grabs her hand and looks at the ring) I know days of our lives thank you very much.
为什么当Rachel说有话跟Monica说的时候,Monica却说:well,now’s a good time.I’m on my way to have my ears cut off.原来是因为她刚刚听了她老爸关于怀小孩的事的一番谆谆教诲,心里发毛。所以Rachel说要跟她谈谈时,她就说,“有话趁现在说,我正要去把耳朵割掉!”
正式情况下用be all ears指“全神贯注地听”,例如:
As soon as I mentioned money,Tony was all ears.
Tell me your experience,I'm all ears.
还有be out on your ear指“(因犯错)被迫离职”,如:
You'd better start working hard, or you'll be out on your ear.
smile/grin from ear to ear指“咧着嘴笑,眉开眼笑”,如:
She came out of his office,grinning from ear to ear,“I’ve been promoted.”(她走出他的办公室,眉开眼笑地说:“我升职了。”)“I did it。”he said,grinning from ear to ear.(他喜笑颜开地说:“我成功了!”)
give somebody a thick ear“打某人”,如:Behave yourself,or I’ll give you a thick ear!(规矩点,要不我揍你了!)
go in one ear and out the other意为“左耳进,右耳出”,如:
Everything I told her j ust goes in one ear and out the other.
The teacher keeps telling the pupils to work harder,but her words go in one ear and out the other.
Walls have ears!用于警告人们说话时要注意有可能别人在偷听,指“隔墙有耳!”
That sounds like music to her ears.(那听起来对她来说是个好消息。)
make a pig’s ear of指“把……弄糟”,相当于do something badly,例如:John made a complete pig’s ear of the house’s decorating.(John把房子装修得一团糟。)
Iurn a deaf ear to sth.表示“不理,拒绝帮助”,例如:
The employer turned a dea f ear to the demands o f the employees.
The government turned a dea f ear to people’s requests.
另一个口语中常用的是“up to one’s ears in sth”(深陷于,忙碌于)。比如:He is up to his ears in trouble at the moment.(此刻他正陷入一些麻烦中。)又女口:I’ve been up to my ears in work recently.I COUldn’t make it.so I’m afraid we have to postpone the appointment.(最近我工作很忙,没时间赴约。所以,恐怕我们得推迟这个约会了。)
另外一个,恐怕大家也并不陌生,即:play by ear/play it by ear/improvise/do something impromptu(即席,即兴,随机应变)。比如:He plSys his negotiations by ear,going into them with no clear or fixed plan.(他谈判时,没有清晰固定的计划,而是随机应变。)又如:He got no time to prepare for the party,so he had to play by ear.(他没有时间为这次聚会作准备,只好即兴演奏了。)
如果我们说:Jay Zhou has an ear for rap and hip hop.意思就是“周杰伦对说唱有很敏锐的鉴赏力。”那么,have an ear for sth.意思就是说某人对某事物有敏锐的鉴赏力。(If someone has an ear for music,poetry,or languages,they are good at creating,appredating,or understanding these sounds.)