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The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work

Monica helps Chandler consider what careers he's interested in. He choses advertising, and Monica arranges a meeting with a friend (Steve) in the business. Joey gets Phoebe a job doing extra work on Days Of Our Lives, but she takes her characters a little too seriously. Ross and Rachel take Emma into Ralph Lauren to meet the staff. While there, Rachel discovers that her temporary replacement (Gavin) it determined to take over her job permanently, so she returns to work immediately. He turns out to be a little nicer than expected. Chandler gets offered an unpaid internship at Steve's agency, which might mean he and Monica need to postpone having a child for a while.

瑞秋的位子被鹊巢鸠占——由DERMOT MULRONEY("My Best Friend's Wedding")客串演出!






Rachel: Let me just get this straight! So I go have a baby and they send some guy in to do my job?

Gavin: Well, there was talk of shutting down Ralph Lauren all together.

Rachel: That's right. You're very cheeky for a temp.

Gavin: I'm not a temp. I was transferred here from another department.

Rachel: Oh yeah, what department was that? The Jerk department?

Gavin: Oh, they didn't tell me about your quick wit.

Rachel: Did they mention that I'm rubber and you're glue?

Mr. Zelner: (Enters) Gavin, Ralph loved your ideas.

Rachel: Oh, hi Mr. Zelner.

Mr. Zelner: Rachel, I see you've met Gavin. I must say, when you left us we weren't sure what we were gonna do. But then, Gavin to the rescue. Super Gavin!

Rachel: That's great. So now, Super Gavin, when I come back where are you planning on flying off to?

Gavin: Well, that's up to Mr. Zelner. I'm sure he will make the right decision.

Rachel: (To herself) Oh, wow. Super ass-kissing power.


  在这个部分中出现的cheeky一词指的是“厚脸皮的,放肆的”。有种习惯表达说cheeky monkcy,就是指厚脸皮的人。例如:

Cheeky monkey!Get your hands out of my biscuits tin.

褒义上讲cheeky这个词用来形容“调皮的,搞笑的”。如:The scruffy boy with a cheeky grin is staring at me。(那个满脸坏笑的邋遢小男孩一直盯着我看。)


就像在Friends里面我们可以说:Rachel is a woman of great Wit and charm.(Rachel是一个说话风趣、风韵动人的女人。)或者直接说Rachel is a famous Wit in Friends.(Rachel在《老友记》中是个有名的说话风趣的人物。)当用到复数wits表机智的时候有这样一个例子:Keep your WitS about you.(在困难的情况下保持头脑清醒,随机应变。)另外在表达对什么事情已经无计可施,智穷计尽,束手无策时,英文中可说成是at your wits’end.

该片断中Rachel最后用的这个短语ass-kissing power就是我们常说的“珀马屁的功夫”,所以不要被字面的意思误导。在这里再给大家介绍一些美国口语中跟ass相关的一些表达:

If you want to pass this test,you’d better get off your ass and study!

My boss is on my ass all the time.

Get your ass over here.

My ass!



Rachel 准备复工



Rachel: Alright. Now that I'm back, why don't you just fill me in on what you've been up to?

Gavin: Well, I've changed your screensaver from that picture of *Nsync.

Rachel: Hey, they were popular when I left!

Gavin: Also, I've just been working on this big presentation for tomorrow.

Rachel: Well, I should be involved in that, so why don't you get me up to speed?

Gavin: That's gonna take weeks. Why don't just let me take care of the presentation?

Rachel: Oh, no no no no. I see what you're doing here, alright, listen, this is my job buddy. Okay, I've had it for five years, and I know how it works, so why don't you just catch me up!


Nsynnc超级男孩是美国由五个男孩组成的一支乐队。其实在当今的乐坛当中男孩组合还有很多。像Boyzone男孩地带,Westlife西域男孩,Backstreet Boys后街男孩。


Nsync在后来发行的专辑“No Strings Attached”也打破了销量纪录,而他们在“美国年轻人选择大奖”(Teen Choice Awards)中共获“最受欢迎单曲”(Favorite Single)、“夏季最受欢迎歌曲”(Favorite Summcr Song)、“最受欢迎音乐录影带”(Favorite Video)和“最受欢迎流行组合”(Favorite Group)四项大奖,其成员JUStin Timbcrlakc还独得“年度最具人气男艺人奖”。这支乐队中最红的也要算他了。

而Boyzonc这支乐队是由来自爱尔兰的5个男孩组成的,可以说他们为当今流行音乐男孩偶像组合开辟了道路。在他们的影响下,Backstrcct Boys后街男孩,Nsync超级男孩,Westlife西域男孩,这些男孩们才受到人们的青睐。如果说20世纪60年代属于Bcatlcs,我想20世纪90年代应该是属于Boyzone的。但是随着1999年Boyzonc的领军人物Ronan Keating单飞之后,这支乐队也宣告解散。但是Boyzone的影响并没有因此而结束。一支可以说是Boyzone的克隆乐队随之出现,这就是Wcstlifc西域男孩。Westlife是当今流行音乐男孩组合中最年轻的乐队之一,充满了活力和想象。

我们还有一支乐队没有提到,那就是Backstreet Boys后街男孩。他们从成立到现在已经走过了10个年头了,真的是boys to mcn了,这对于一支乐队来讲没有团结的精神的确是很难做到的。Backstrect Boys这支乐队的名字是借鉴了美国一个非常有名的跳蚤市场backstreet market的名称,没想到这个名字一红就是10年。

我们用四个单词来总结四个乐队的特点:Nsync给人的感觉就是blockbuster,因为他们一夜成名;Boyzone是original,是最初的,原始的一种乐队;Wcstlifc是young,一支年轻的乐队;Backstreet Boys是solidarity,永远象征着刚结。