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    同一个英语名词或形容词,在不同的场合有不同的概念: 有中性的,有贬抑的,也有褒扬的。因此,对于原文的精神一定要吃准。      例如,有这样一则故事:

      There were once three sons of a wealthy businessman. Whenever they met, the two eldest, who were twins, used to quarrel about which of them should be his father's heir. The youngest, who was not in the least ambitions, took no part in their arguments.




      But the youngest brother was able to fulfil his own modest ambition. With the capital he had saved, he converted the house into an orphanage.





      1. It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel(隆梅尔将军)and his Africa Corps.

      2. They predicted the youth would have a bright future.

      3. John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.

      4. Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power.


1. 当时是八月中旬,他们讨论的议题是隆梅尔将军及其非洲军团的下场

      2. 他们预言,这个年轻人会有一个锦绣前程

      3. 约翰是个积极肯干 的推销员,他工作干得很出色。

      4. 希特勒夺取政权之后便推行侵略 政策。