8. Effectively strengthening governance and deepening reform of the administrative system
We proceeded with the reform of government agencies and put in place the basic institutional framework for establishing larger government departments that integrate the functions smaller ones had performed.
We always observed the following basic norms in exercising governance: making policy decisions scientifically and democratically, conducting administration in accordance with the law, promoting transparency in government operations, improving the oversight system and upholding integrity.
We adopted new measures and made new progress in exercising government power according to due procedures and in building a service-oriented, accountable, law-based and clean government.
We took the following steps to improve government decision-making procedures: making policy decisions scientifically and democratically in accordance with the law; soliciting opinions from the public; and conducting expert evaluation, risk assessment, legality review, and collective discussion.
We deepened reform of the system of review and approval by government bodies and eliminated or streamlined 498 items requiring such review and approval in two stages over the past five years.
Departments of the State Council eliminated or streamlined 2,497 items requiring their review and approval, 69.3% ofthe original total.
We took major steps to increase transparency in government operations, with the focus on government budgets and final accounts, as well as on expenditures for official hospitality, purchase and use of official cars, and overseas trips for official purposes.
This made it possible for the people to learn more about how the government functions, and thus more effectively oversee its operations.
Auditing oversight was intensified and became more effective. We comprehensively intensified efforts to fight corruption and build a clean government, and strengthened oversight and supervision of leading officials to ensure that they maintain personal integrity and are self-disciplined.
We took steps to put in place a system of performance-based management of government officials, established and earnestly enforced the system of governance accountability focusing on leading government officials, and improved efficiency in governance.
Fellow Deputies,
Over the past five years, we implemented the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, improved the policy system for supporting the development of ethnic minorities and ethnic minority areas, and infused new vitality into the cause of promoting unity and progress of ethnic groups in China.
We comprehensively carried out the policy on freedom of religious belief and managed religious affairs on a more law- and procedure-based basis.
We implemented the policy on overseas Chinese affairs in both letter and spirit, protected the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese and those who have returned to China and their families; and we put their unique strengths to better use.
New progress was made in strengthening national defense and the armed forces.
Major achievements were made in the revolution in military affairs with Chinese characteristics. The armed forces made coordinated and all-around progress in becoming more revolutionary, modernized and procedure-based.
They deepened their military preparedness, greatly enhanced their ability to carry out their historic mission in the new stage in the new century, and accomplished a number of urgent, difficult, and hazardous tasks.
We strengthened our work related to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Hong Kong and Macao are thriving and stable, and their exchanges and cooperation with the mainland reached a new height.
We achieved a major transition in relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits. Complete, direct and two-way links of mail service, transport and trade were established, and the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement was signed and is being implemented.
This extended cross-Straits exchanges to all areas and ushered in a new stage of peaceful growth of cross-Straits relations.
Major new progress' was made in China's all-around diplomacy.
We vigorously developed our relations with other major countries, enhanced mutually beneficial cooperation with our neighbors, and successfully established the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area.
We spurred the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other mechanisms for promoting regional cooperation, and deepened our traditional friendship and cooperation with other developing countries.
We actively participated in international cooperation on global issues like the global financial crisis and climate change and helped resolve international and regional hot-spot issues.
We thus fostered an international environment favorable for China's reform, development and stability and made a significant contribution to world peace, stability, development and prosperity.
Fellow Deputies,
Our achievements over the past five years did not come easily. We owe them to the broad vision and correct leadership of the party Central Committee and the concerted efforts and arduous work of the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in China.
On behalf of the State Council, I extend my sincere gratitude to all workers, farmers, intellectuals, officials, and members of the People's Liberation Army, armed police and public security police.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to the people of all our ethnic groups, the democratic parties, people's organizations and leading figures in all sectors of society.
I express my sincere thanks to our compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan, as well as overseas Chinese.
I also extend my sincere appreciation to foreign governments, international organizations and foreign friends that have shown understanding for and supported China's modernization drive.
We are keenly aware that we still face many difficulties and problems in our economic and social development. In particular:
Unbalanced, uncoordinated and unsustainable development remains a prominent problem.
There is a growing conflict between downward pressure on economic growth and excess production capacity.
There is a growing conflict between downward pressure on economic growth and excess production capacity.
The growth of government revenue is slowing down while fixed government expenditures are increasing.
There are potential risks in the financial sector.
There are potential risks in the financial sector. The agricultural foundation is still weak.
Economic development is increasingly in conflict with resource conservation and environmental protection.
The development gap between urban and rural areas and between regions is large, and so are income disparities between individuals.
Social problems have increased markedly, and many problems in the areas of education, employment, social security, medical care, housing, the environment, food and drug safety, workplace safety, and public order affect people's vital interests.
Some people still lead hard lives.
There are many systemic and institutional obstacles to developing in a scientific way.
The transformation of government functions has not been fully carried out, and some areas are prone to corruption.
Some of these problems have built up over time, while others have emerged in the course of economic and social development, and still others have been caused by inadequacies and weaknesses in our government work.
We should have a strong sense of responsibility toward our country and people, work harder and solve these problems more quickly in order to meet people's expectations and never let them down.