名人教你讲英文:To the... of..
名人教英文:to the... of..
《经济学人》(the economist)妙语如珠,是很好的英文教材。去年10月22日关于剑桥大学校长选举的报道,开首形容生动,语言幽默:
"tourists clogging the king's parade in the historic heart of cambridge often seem let down by the absence of begowned scholars (students these days tend to wear t-shirts and trainers). not so on october 15th, when a merry crowd of dons and alumni queued up in robes to cast their votes for a new chancellor of cambridge university, much to the glee of camera-wielding onlookers."
"tourists clogging the king's parade..." 生动地描写出游人水泄不通的情景。clog解作“塞满”,例如:"many people were trapped in the fire because the fire escape was clogged with furniture dumped by the residents".
begowned scholars(穿袍的学者)和camera-wielding onlookers(拿相机的旁观者)都用了自创的形容词。begowned的格式如bespectacled(戴眼镜的,spectacles即眼镜):gown(袍)加上be...ed,就变成形容词。camera-wielding是复合形容词,类似的例子包括record-breaking(破纪录的)、time-consuming(花时间的)和food-loving(爱吃的)。
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