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疯狂英语口语现场 Un02_2


[09:13.22]Since we're going to be fourteen stories above the ground,
[09:18.58]I think we should definitely have a room with a view.
[09:23.33]Alexis:  Boris, I saw you sitting out on the balcony of our room.
[09:28.97]I could see you from the street.
[09:32.45]Boris:  That's quite a distance.  How could you tell who it was?
[09:37.41]Alexis:  I recognized your bright red shirt.  But there's something strange.
[09:41.85]We're in room 1405, right?
[09:48.83]Well, when I saw you on the balcony, I counted upward.
[09:54.57]I only got to thirteen.  We're on the thirteenth floor.
[10:00.45]Boris:No, I'm sure we're on the fourteenth floor.  The desk clerk said so.
[10:06.80]Alexis:  I know!  I'll look out the window and count downward.
[10:12.26]I still say we're only thirteen stories up.
[10:17.25] 4    Words and Expressions
[10:20.59]1. hideous
[10:22.72]丑陋的; 可怕的; 骇人听闻的
[10:24.85]2. approach
[10:26.47]接近, 靠近
[10:28.09]3. palmistry
[10:32.84]4. palm
[10:34.53]手掌, 手心
[10:36.21]5. palm reading
[10:39.77]6. gullibility
[10:43.71]7. superstition
[10:45.49]迷信; 迷信行为
[10:47.26]8. molehill
[10:50.50]9. horoscope
[10:52.19]占星术; 星象(算命)
[10:53.87]10. Mercury
[10:55.75]水银, 汞
[10:57.63]11. fortune cookie
[11:01.11]12. ridiculous
[11:05.87]可笑的, 荒谬的; 滑稽的