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疯狂英语口语现场 Un07_2


[06:45.24]There are many stereotypes I have to deal with in my daily life.
[06:50.88]Kate:  Stereotypes?  Like what?
[06:54.93]Charles:  Well, like since I'm black, I must like rap music,
[06:59.87]come from the inner city, or play basketball well.
[07:04.72]Kate:  I do know you like rap music, but the other two are definitely false.
[07:11.18]I’ve seen you play basketball.
[07:14.83]Charles:  Hey!  But that's not the only problem.
[07:19.07]There's also the affirmative action stigma.
[07:23.43]Kate:  You mean that people look down upon you
[07:27.27]because they think you're in school because of a quota?
[07:32.10]That's not true at all; you're really a smart guy.
[07:37.35]Charles:  I know that, but some people don't think like that.
[07:42.21]And I get problems from teachers as well.
[07:46.16]Kate:  Teachers?  I didn't think that they would be racist at all.
[07:51.82]Charles:  Racist?  Not exactly.
[07:55.98]It's how they look at me and ask for my opinion on a topic,
[08:01.02]as if I can speak for all black people and give them the black opinion on a subject.
[08:07.58]Suddenly I become the representative of the black race,
[08:13.04]as if we all had the same opinion.
[08:16.67]Kate:  I see.
[08:19.91]It looks like there are still a lot of issues we need to work on in the US.
[08:25.86]Karen:  Hey, you, pick up that piece of garbage!
[08:32.31]Man:  Huh?  Me?
[08:35.37]Karen:  Yeah, you.  I just saw you throw a piece of garbage on the ground.
[08:40.80]Can't you read the No Littering sign?  It's a $500 penalty for littering,
[08:47.46]so go pick it up and put it in the garbage can over there.
[08:52.82]Man:  Why should I do that?  It's only a piece of garbage.  Why should you care?
[08:58.67]Karen:  Because this is a public place,
[09:02.33]and I want to spend my time here without having to look at your garbage.
[09:07.97]Man:  Listen; I really don't know why you're making this into such a big issue.
[09:13.61]It's only a small piece of garbage in a large space.
[09:18.45]It's not like there's garbage everywhere.
[09:22.42]Besides, someone will come along to clean it up at some time or another.
[09:27.95]Karen:  It's not the cleaner's responsibility to pick up after lazy people.
[09:33.70]It's part of your responsibility
[09:37.57]to make sure that the place is neat for other people.
[09:42.61]If everyone thought like you, there'd be garbage everywhere!