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疯狂英语口语现场 Un04_2


[03:32.27]We'll just take the shirt back to the men’s department
[03:36.42]and show them the sales slip.
[03:40.08]They'll exchange it for the correct size or give you a refund.
[03:45.23]Anna:  We?  Do you want to go with me?
[03:49.59]Grace:  Sure.  I love going to the mall.
[03:53.22]Anna:  What do you do there… hang around, like the kids?
[03:58.26]Liz:  Why are you reading the classifieds7?  What do you need?
[04:04.92]David:  I'm looking for a bookcase, but I don't want to buy a new one.
[04:09.97]Liz:  Are you having any luck?
[04:13.44]David:  Not really.  There aren't any used bookcases listed.
[04:18.80]But there are a few rummage sales on Saturday.  I think I'll go to them.
[04:24.36]Liz:  Do you mind if I go with you?
[04:28.02]David:  Not at all.  These private sales are great places to bargain.
[04:33.58]And sometimes you can find terrific things among all the junk.
[04:38.94]Liz:  I learned to negotiate9 from my mother.
[04:42.88]I thought I was pretty good at bargaining,
[04:46.93]but I had a problem the other day at Kimble's Department Store.
[04:52.10]David:  What happened?
[04:55.16]Liz:  I wanted to buy a beautiful wool sweater for my girlfriend.
[05:00.12]It was priced at forty dollars, so I started by offering the salesclerk thirty.
[05:06.47]Roy:  Look at this headline - Elvis Baby Born on Spacecraft.
[05:14.12]Where do these tabloids11 get such crazy stories?
[05:18.67]Iris:  I've often wondered the same thing.  I also wonder who reads them.
[05:24.52]Then I realize that I'm standing here reading them myself.
[05:29.69]Roy:  It looks as though everyone in line reads them,
[05:33.74]or at least looks at the headlines.
[05:37.27]Iris:  I think we picked the right line.
[05:40.82]This one seems to be moving more quickly than the others.
[05:45.86]Roy:  Maybe our checker is faster at scanning the food.
[05:50.59]Iris:  I'm glad.  We have only about twenty things here,
[05:55.55]and I'm in a hurry to get home.
[05:59.18]Checker:  Good afternoon, ladies.  Paper or plastic?
[06:04.33]Iris:  Paper bags, please.
[06:08.17]You know, yours is the fastest-moving line in the store.
[06:13.63]Checker:  Well, I'll let it go this time, but in the future,
[06:18.31]please don't use the express line with so many items.
[06:22.75]Rita:  Hey Joe, what are you doing in this department store?
[06:30.22]Joe:  Hi, Rita, I'm just looking for a pair of shoes.  I won't be here for long.