栏目广告位一 |
国名:美利坚合众国(the United States of America),通称美国.国旗:星条旗(stars and stripes).主体部分由13道红白相间的横条(horizontal stripes)组成;旗面左上角排列着50颗白色五星旗.国旗上有白,红,蓝三种颜色.13道
人文知识2009-08-10 -
英语专业八级翻译指导 第1期:理解和表达(Part1)
翻译2009-08-10 -
专业八级改错练习 第54期
【练习】Middle age has its compensations. Youth is bound hand and foot with the shackles of public opinion. Middle age enjoys freedom.I remember that when i left the school i said to myself: __1"Henc
改错2009-08-07 -
英语专业八级翻译 汉译英 第39期
翻译2009-08-07 -
专八翻译中容易误译内容 第49讲:well-heeled
Mr.Chen was well-heeled. [误译] 陈先生被紧紧地跟踪着。 [原意] 陈先生过去很富有。 [说明] 虽然heel当动词时有“跟随”,“尾随”之意;但本例的well-heeled是个形容词(口语),意为“有钱的”,“富有的”,与ri
翻译2009-08-07 -
专八翻译中容易误译内容 第48讲:Is Lance wet behind the ears
Is Lance wet behind the ears? [误译] Lance 把双耳背弄湿了吗? [原意] Lance 太幼稚了吗? [说明] wet behind the ears是口语,意为“幼稚的”“不成熟的”“无经验的”“初出茅庐的”。 make a sentence for fun
翻译2009-08-06 -
专业八级改错练习 第53期
【练习】Whether the eyes are "the windows of the soul" is debatable;they are intensely important in interpersonal communication is a __1fact. During the first two months of a baby's life, the stimuli
改错2009-08-06 -
英语专业八级翻译 汉译英 第38期
翻译2009-08-06 -
专业八级改错练习 第52期
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated from London to New York City when she was ten year's old. One day, she decided that she wanted __1to be a doctor. That was nearly impos
改错2009-08-05 -
英语专业八级翻译 汉译英 第37期
翻译2009-08-05 -
专八翻译中容易误译内容 第47讲:wet one's whistle
Jim always wets his whistle.[误译] Jim老是弄湿他的笛子。 [原意] Jim老是喝酒。 [说明] wet one's whistle是口语,意为“喝酒”。 make a sentence for fun and consolidate what you have learnt!
翻译2009-08-05 -
英语专业八级翻译 汉译英 第36期
【中文原文】长城,东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,横跨中国北部,全长六千多公里,号称“万里长城”,是中国古代劳动人民智慧的结晶,是世界伟大的建筑奇迹之一。 中国最早的长城,远在公元前七世纪就已经出现了。公元前2
翻译2009-08-04 -
专八翻译中容易误译内容 第46讲:weakness
Ned has a weakness for wine. [误译] Ned 不善于喝酒。 [原意] Ned 特别喜欢喝酒。 [说明] 本例中的weakness(名词),意为“嗜好”,“癖好”,不是“弱点”,“缺点”。 make a sentence for fun and consolidate w
翻译2009-08-04 -
专业八级改错练习 第51期
【练习】Something has been happening to the concept of "fiction",either in critical discourse and elsewhere. For a long time, __1this concept operated under common understood restrictions. __2It was u
改错2009-08-04 -
英语专业八级翻译 汉译英 第35期
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专八翻译中容易误译内容 第45讲:weed
Have a weed? [误译] 有杂草吗? [原意] 抽根烟吗?[说明] 本例中的“weed”是口语,意为“香烟”。本例与“Have a cigarette?”,"Have a smoke"同义。
翻译2009-08-03 -
专业八级改错练习 第50期
【练习】Transport can be a major expense for many companies,especially when cars have to be provided for both managerial and sale staff. __1As a result, it's important to keep a close eye at the many
改错2009-08-03 -
英语专业八级翻译 汉译英 第34期
翻译2009-07-31 -
专八翻译中容易误译内容 第44讲:well-to-do
That villa was bought by a well-to-do woman. [误译] 那座别墅已被一个积极工作的女人购下。 [原意] 那座别墅已被一个富有的女人购下。 [说明] "well-to-do"是一个合成形容词,意思“富裕的”“小康的”
翻译2009-07-31 -
专业八级改错练习 第49期
【练习】DDT, the most powerful pesticide the world had ever known,exposed nature’s vulnerability. Unlike most pesticides, which effect- __1 tiveness is limited to destroy one or two types of insects,
改错2009-07-31 -
专业八级改错练习 第48期
【练习】Humankind’s future safety and longevity of life on Earth largely depend on the environment which we live. Keeping the air we __1breathe free of pollution is a major priority towards making t
改错2009-07-30 -
英语专业八级翻译 汉译英 第33期
翻译2009-07-30 -
专八翻译中容易误译内容 第43讲:Where is your cap
Where is your cap? [误译] 你的帽子在哪里? [原意] 你的礼貌到哪去了? [说明] "Where is your cap?"是对小孩进行礼帽教育时说的话。
翻译2009-07-30 -
英语专业八级人文知识 第42讲
【练习】1. The leading ___ state in the United States is Wisconsin.
A wheat B rice C dairy D maize2. The city of ___, which was formerly known as Port Jackson, is the place of the earliest coloni -
专业八级改错练习 第47期
【练习】You stare at waterfall for a minute or two, then shift your gaze to its surrounding. What you now see appears to drift upward. You __1are board a train in a busy station when suddenly another
栏目广告位二 |