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AP News in a Minute
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。The United Nations says 20 trucks have entered Gaza carrying food, water, medicine and medical supplies. 联合国表示,20辆卡车载着食物、
AP News in a Minute2023-11-02美一男子刺死6岁巴勒斯坦裔男孩
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。More than a million people have fled their homes in the Gaza Strip, ahead of an expected Israeli invasion.在预期的以色列入侵发生之前,
AP News in a Minute2023-11-02美参议院多数党领袖查克·舒默访问以色列特拉维夫
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Palestinian civilians across Gaza are struggling for survival in the face of an unprecedented Israeli operation against the territory
AP News in a Minute2023-11-02拜登表态支持以色列
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and opposition leader Benny Gantz created a war-time Cabinet overseeing the fight to avenge
AP News in a Minute2023-11-02被监禁的伊朗活动家纳尔吉斯·穆罕默迪获诺贝尔和平奖
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Hundreds of rescuers dug through slushy debris and icy waters Friday in a search for survivors after a glacial lake overflowed and bu
AP News in a Minute2023-11-02杀害婴儿的露西·莱比被判终身监禁
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Tropical Storm Hilary drenched Southern California from the coast to the desert resort city of Palm Springs, leaving behind a muddy m
AP News in a Minute2023-10-20西班牙女足夺得世界杯冠军
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Tropical storm Hilary made landfall along Mexico' Baja California coast Sunday. 热带风暴希拉里周日在墨西哥下加利福尼亚海岸登陆。N
AP News in a Minute2023-10-20美国"龙"飞船载四名宇航员抵达空间站
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Forecasters say Tropical Storm Idalia is likely to become a Category Two hurricane. 天气预报员称,“热带风暴伊达利亚”可能会变成2级飓风
AP News in a Minute2023-10-17经基因检测证实瓦格纳集团创始人普里戈任死亡
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Police say a white man carrying an AR-15 was targeting black people when he shot and killed a worker and two customers at a Dollar Ge
AP News in a Minute2023-10-17特朗普宣布自首
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Crews are digging roads and buildings out of mud in the southwestern US after Tropical Storm Hilary passed through.热带风暴希拉里经过
AP News in a Minute2023-10-17乌克兰撤换国防部长
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。A Bureau of Land Management spokesman says vehicles have been leaving the Burning Man counterculture fest in northeast Nevada.美国土
AP News in a Minute2023-10-11纽约时代广场地铁站被淹
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。U.S. officials announced the first 10 drugs targeted for Medicare price negotiations, including the popular diabetes treatment Jardia
AP News in a Minute2023-10-11朝鲜领导人金正恩或将访俄
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may travel to Russia soon for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin. 朝鲜领导人金正恩可能很快前往俄
AP News in a Minute2023-10-11北约峰会上乌克兰入约仍存争议
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。NATO leaders say they will allow Ukraine to join the alliance "when allies agree, and conditions are met."北约领导人表示,“当盟国同意
AP News in a Minute2023-07-14土耳其同意瑞典加入北约?
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Heavy rain has washed out roads and forced evacuations in the Northeast.大雨冲毁了美国东北部的道路,迫使居民撤离。The slow-moving storm
AP News in a Minute2023-07-14拜登访英会见国王和首相
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。President Biden is starting a trip to Europe in Britain, where he meets on Monday with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and King Charles.美
AP News in a Minute2023-07-14法国警察开枪打死17岁少年
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Thousands more flights were cancelled or delayed across the US on Tuesday, frustrating scores of travelers.周二,美国各地又有数千个航班
AP News in a Minute2023-07-10以色列对约旦河西岸发动20年来最大规模军事行动
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Israel has launched its most intense military operation in the occupied West Bank in nearly two decades.以色列在被占领的约旦河西岸发
AP News in a Minute2023-07-07Meta推出推特竞品软件Threads
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Israeli troops pressed ahead with their hunt for Palestinian militants and weapons in the Jenin refugee camp on Tuesday.周二,以色列军
AP News in a Minute2023-07-07法国一名市长住所被暴徒袭击
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Police in Baltimore say two people were killed and 28 others were injured in a mass shooting at a block party overnight Sunday.巴尔的
AP News in a Minute2023-07-07特朗普抵达迈阿密应诉
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Donald Trump has arrived in Miami, where he appears in court Tuesday on felony charges accusing him of illegally hoarding classified
AP News in a Minute2023-07-03特朗普出庭拒绝认罪
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Former President Donald Trump surrendered to authorities and appeared before a magistrate judge in Miami on charges accusing him of i
AP News in a Minute2023-07-03乌干达反政府武装袭击学校致41人死亡
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。President Joe Biden met with Pennsylvania officials on Saturday for a briefing on repair efforts following the collapse of a section
AP News in a Minute2023-06-30泰坦尼克号残骸观光潜艇失踪
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。A search is underway for a missing submersible that carries people to view the wreckage of the Titanic.(救援人员)目前正在搜寻一艘失踪的
AP News in a Minute2023-06-30乌称俄袭击其沿海城市敖德萨
This is AP News Minute.这里是美联社一分钟新闻。Former President Donald Trump pleaded 'not guilty' to 37 federal felony counts in Miami on Tuesday.周二,美国前总统唐纳德·特朗
AP News in a Minute2023-06-30
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