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Get the Bottom Line though from George Stephanopoulos, Chief Washington correspondent, and of course, host of this week. Good morning George, late night.

Good morning, Kate, happy Mother's Day.

So, I am gonna be the American Idol judge this morning?

Oh, yes, please, would you just give us you straight scoop, what do you think?

Eh,you know, it was a great night. I think you guys are exactly right. I mean I've been going to these dinners for more than 20 years now and the crush last night was unlike any, I'd ever seen before. I think you also learned something about the President and who would gonna be the targets of the late night comedians by whom the President chose to pick out last night. It looks like Joe Biden is a pretty safe laugh line for anybody, for right now. Hilary got her share and also Michelle Obama’s arms. I think they're gonna become the staple of the late night comics as well.

Right, I have to ask though there was a lot of ribbing of republicans.  Do you think it ever crossed the line or are they get any?

The President, you know there's always, it's always difficult to get this mixed of. The President has to be self-deprecating, but also takes some zingers at his opponents. I think he was right, right on the edge of doing a little bit more with his opponents than with himself, but I think he kept it certainly within the balance and it was funny last night.

I do think there was one Wanda Sykes’ joke last night, where she compared Rush Limbaugh to the 20th hijacker, saying that he missed the flight because he was strung out on Oxycontin and that's already drawn some heat from conservative blocs, you know, Rush Limbaugh is a big guy. He can take care of himself. He certainly sends out a lot of zingers, but you could hear a few groans in the room with that one.