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CNN访谈: 2009美国偶像冠亚军


SEACREST: The new American Idol, Kris Allen. Has it sunk in yet?

KRIS ALLEN, "AMERICAN IDOL" WINNER": No, it hasn't sunk in. All the way in. I think it's starting to a little bit.

SEACREST: The moment I will never forget and you won't forget it either. Let's take a look at the big announcement, Kris winning "Idol".


SEACREST: After the nationwide vote of nearly 100 million, the winner of "American Idol" 2009 is -- Kris Allen.


SEACREST: All right. So we see your mouth wide open. What was going through your head at that point?

ALLEN: The funny thing was is watching it back, it didn't seem like it lasted that long. But when you said -- it was like you said K -- forever, but I thought you were going to go K-Adam Lambert.

SEACREST: You thought I was going to fake you out.

ALLEN: Exactly but you didn't. I think I was completely shocked. Adam's amazing. Adam's great. And to -- I didn't have any clue I was going to win.

SEACREST: So you were surprised?

ALLEN: Yeah.

SEACREST: I think the first thing you said was Adam's great. Actually on the air, you were complimenting him at the moment you should be complimenting yourself.

ALLEN: I think that's kind of how I am. Seriously, we're really good friends and he's amazing. He's been probably the most consistent performer this year. And just overall probably one of the best performers that's ever been on the "Idol" stage.

SEACREST: So aside from getting more votes, an incredible number of votes too. Why do you think you won?

ALLEN: I don't know. You know, I think it was, you know, a combination of a lot of stuff. It was maybe probably, you know, a little bit of personality, a little bit of - hopefully it was about the music, as well. I know that's not always the case on "American Idol". That's what I care about the most the music and how I portray it.

SEACREST: It's no secret that you're a man of faith, that you referred to the Christian thing as it were. The Christian thing. You didn't rely on the Christian vote. Do you think that played a part in your win, though?

ALLEN: I hope it didn't. Because I guess me and Adam were doing an interview before the show. Kris, do you think you're going to get the Christian vote now that Danny's gone? And that was rough, that was kind of upsetting, because the show's not about religion, we're not running for president. We are there to do music and there to sing and hopefully people vote on that.

SEACREST: Which is the hope. But it's so big, there's so many people involved, and I think there are a lot of factors that go into the voting. Like it or not.

ALLEN: Yeah, like it or not. I think that's the truth.

SEACREST: What was the toughest week for you, Kris?

ALLEN: I think for me the toughest week was the year of birth week. We - I had a hard time picking a song. And I think it showed, as well. I don't think the judges liked it very much. I was in that dang pit. The pit of death, don't do it.

SEACREST: When you talk about your home state of Arkansas, you say not a lot happens. Bill Clinton obviously from there, so there's a little bit of notoriety. But you're the next boy from home that's done good.

ALLEN: Yeah. There's like a lot of people who have done well from Arkansas. But this was on like a huge stage and Arkansas really rallies around what goes on in that state. And if someone from their state gets on the show, on any show, we go crazy about it.

SEACREST: What about strategy? I've seen the show 300 plus episodes ... ALLEN: Oh, really.

SEACREST: ... yeah, believe it or not. And i know that you have to develop some sort of strategy. So what was yours?

ALLEN: You know, I think my strategy throughout the whole thing was don't steer away from what you know how to do. And that's just go out there and be yourself. I went out there and I played my type of music. And I really wanted to change stuff up a little bit and be kind of bold in my music choices. And just do what I believed in.

SEACREST: People, some people don't know much about you. You're married to Katie. We talked about it on the radio the other day. Give us sort of the time line of how it all happened between the engagement, the marriage, and the "Idol".

ALLEN: Yeah, we got engaged probably a year before we got married. And then, you know, did all of the wedding plans and all that stuff and then got married in September and seriously we went to Jamaica and then flew back to Arkansas and then I immediately got on another plane to Hollywood week. So it was pretty nuts.

SEACREST: What has it been like for her not having you around?

ALLEN: You know, it's been rough. This is our first year of marriage. And I think this is -- I don't think a whole lot of people have gone through anything like this in their first year of marriage. And it's rough on us, but she's great and she's really understanding. And she's really supportive because she knows what this is what I wanted to do forever. And so ...

SEACREST: Does she ever get jealous?