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CNN访谈: 2009美国偶像冠亚军


LAMBERT: That's why I felt it wasn't a competition thing. I knew it was apples and oranges. The people are like, I like that guy, I like that guy, or I like that girl. To me, it was like go out there and do your best. That was the goal for me every week. Do something new, do something new to get people talking.

SEACREST: It never seemed stressful for you.

LAMBERT: You know, the only time I really had like a stress attack was in rehearsal for the final show. Because there were ...

SEACREST: Meaning the Wednesday night? Or was it Tuesday ...

LAMBERT: Tuesday.

SEACREST: The competition Tuesday night you had three songs each.

LAMBERT: It was just you know, there's a lot to get done. And we were in a new venue and that was different. The sound was different, the lighting was different.

SEACREST: People who don't know, the set moves to the Nokia Theater which is a huge theater in downtown Los Angeles with 7,000 people in the audience as opposed to 500 people at your normal soundstage which is a typical Hollywood soundstage. So you're thrown off a little.

LAMBERT: Yeah. We had gotten really comfortable at the sound stage we'd been working at. We got into the Nokia and we started rehearsing and there were a lot of elements out of our control. So I kind of started feeling a little bit like panicked and i had to talk myself down off the ledge.

SEACREST: Now, on Wednesday night. There was a rumor that one of your boots was flown in via private jet because -- check this out. Talk about -- I don't know if it's a diva moment. You weren't even responsible for it. It's a great diva story.

LAMBERT: It's a great diva story. I wish -- I didn't even know what boots I would be wearing. SEACREST: Two left boots came to you and the right boots was flown via private jet from Antwerp.

LAMBERT: From Belgium, yeah, exactly. And it came moments before the beginning of the show.