布朗辞职 卡梅隆走马上任
Just one day after Gordon Brown said he was stepping aside as Labour Party Leader .He was back in front of 10 Downing Street. This time with a more far-reaching announcement.
"I've been informed the Queen's Private Secretary that it's my intention to tender my resignation to the Queen. In the event that the Queen accepts, I should advise her to invite the leader of the Opposition to seek to form a government. I wish the next Prime Minister well as he makes the important choices for the future.
Accompanied by his family,Brown made his way to Buckingham Palace to formally tender his resignation. Hot on his heels was Conservative Party leader David Cameron who saw confirmation from the Queen to become Brown's replacement to lead the country. Standing in front of NO.10 Dawning Street, now his new headquarters, Cameron spoke his first words as Prime Minister.

"We have some deep and pressing problems, a huge deficit, deep social problems and a political system in need of reform. For those reasons, I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats . "
Cameron also assured Britons that he and Liberal Democratic leader Nick Clegg would form a strong coalition government to tackle future challenges.
"A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges. But I believe together, we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs. Based on those values, rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all rebuilding responsibility in our country. "
Stepping over the threshold of the new home, Cameron and his wife Samantha undoubtedly know that one of the main tasks once inside Downing Street would be to rebuild the nation's trust in the political system.
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