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United Nations Year In Review 2010联合国2010年度回顾

2010 -- A year when the earth shook and millions struggled to survive. The UN mobilized relief–and was called on to provide long-term solutions for the planet -- for peace, nuclear disarmament, climate change -- and universal human rights. 2010年,这一年发生了地震,数百万人挣扎着求得生存。联合国调动救援。人们要求联合国为这个星球的和平、核裁军、气候变化以及普遍人权提供长期的解决办法。

UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon: “The great goals are within reach. We can achieve them by looking forward, pulling together, uniting our strength as community of nations, in the name of the larger good.” 联合国秘书长潘基文:“宏伟的目标是可以实现的。只要我们以全人类利益的名义,向前看,齐心协力,作为国际大家庭,团结我们的力量,就能实现这些目标。”

In January, one of the deadliest earthquakes in history struck Haiti, already the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. 300,000 people lost their lives as large parts of the capital, Port-au-Prince, became a graveyard. Aid came in, but the logistical challenges were many. Despite the difficulties, the United Nations delivered millions of food rations and doctors from all over the world helped the injured. 一月,历史上造成伤亡最惨重的地震之一袭击了海地这个已是西半球最贫穷的国家。首都太子港的大部分地区变成了墓地,30万人失去了生命。救援虽到了,但是有很多后勤挑战。尽管面临这些困难,联合国发放了数百万口粮;来自世界各地的医生对受伤群众进行了救治。

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited the devastated country:“This is a moment of sadness, but it is also a moment of Haiti's need.” 潘基文:“(英语)这是一个悲伤的时刻,但这也是海地需要帮助的时刻。”

Haiti’s tragedy was also a tragedy for the UN. 101 staffers lost their lives when the UN mission’s headquarters collapsed. Miraculously, one staff member, Jens Kristensen was found alive after being buried in rubble for five days. 海地的悲剧也是联合国的悲剧。当联合国驻海地特派团总部大楼倒塌时,101位联合国工作人员失去了生命。一位叫延斯·克里斯坦森的职员在被压废墟下5天后奇迹般生还。

As the UN family mourned its loss -- the Organization pledged to carry on:“They chased the flame. Wherever they went, they carried the light of hope. We will never forget you -- we will carry on your work.” 联合国大家庭为这一重大损失哀悼的同时,也发誓要继续工作。潘基文:“他们奔着希望的火焰而去。他们走到哪里,就把希望的火炬带到那里。我们永远不会忘记你们。我们将继承你们的遗志。”

A special relief coordinator was appointed: 联合国任命了一位特别救济协调员:比尔·克林顿总统。

President Bill Clinton:“The thing that impresses me is how in the midst of this awful tragedy they are imagining a future.” 克林顿:“他们如何在这可怕的灾难时刻构想未来给我留下了深刻印象。”

This clothing factory and some schools re-opened quickly -- but rebuilding the country is a slow process. A hurricane and floods also struck Haiti -- then a cholera outbreak prompted a new emergency appeal. 这家制衣厂和一些学校很快就重新开门了,但是重建一个国家是一个缓慢的过程。飓风和洪水也袭击了海地,然后又爆发了引起紧急呼吁的霍乱。

In 2010, there was tragedy in Pakistan, where massive floods destroyed a quarter of a million homes. One fifth of the country was under water. The UN launched a major airlift and tried to drum up donor support. But many people are still homeless. What's more, receding flood waters washed up landmines from recent conflicts -- a dangerous trap for many. 2010年,在巴基斯坦发生了悲剧:大规模的洪水肆虐摧毁了25万所家庭住房;全国五分之一地区被水淹没。联合国发起了空中救援,并大力争取援助方的支持。但是,仍有很多人无家可归。除此,退去的洪水卷起了以前冲突中遗留下来的地雷,对很多人又构成了新的威胁。

In Niger, more than 7 million people, about half of the population, lost their crops and livestock in a severe drought. Nearly 80% of Niger's children are malnourished. The World Food Program rolled out emergency food assistance in Niger and neighbouring Chad to keep families fed through the lean season, when food is in short supply and prices go up. 在尼日尔,约占总人口一半的700多万人在一次严重旱灾中失去了庄稼和牲口。约80%的尼日尔儿童营养不良。世界粮食计划署在尼日尔和邻国乍得展开了紧急粮食援助,为许许多多家庭在食物短缺、价格上涨的青黄不接之际提供粮食。

This year, more than 124,000 UN peacekeepers were deployed in 16 missions around the world. In Darfur, badly needed helicopters finally arrived at the UN peacekeeping mission, where peacekeepers helped distribute ballots for Sudan's first multi-party election in 24 years. After decades of conflict, members of this remote cattle camp at the Nile river see the elections as an opportunity for peace: 今年,12万4千名联合国维和人员被部署在世界上16个维和任务特派团。在达尔富尔,急需的直升机最终在联合国维和特派团降落了。维和人员协助为苏丹24年来的首次多党选举分发选票。经历了几十年冲突,这个尼罗河畔偏远地区的养牛场农户把选举看作一个能带来和平的机遇:

MANGOK MAPER, Cattle Herder: (Dinka)“During the war I thought that I was going to lose my life. Now we have peace in this land and I don’t want to die.” 曼戈克-马普,牧牛人:“(丁卡语)战争期间,我想我会失去生命。现在在我们这片土地上有了和平,我不想死。”