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At UN headquarters,heads of state warned that Sudan's future depends on the successful outcome of referenda next year, in which the south of the country will vote on possible independence from the north. 在联合国总部,各国首脑警告,苏丹的未来取决于明年成功举行全民公决的结果。这次公投中,南部地区将就可能从北方独立进行投票。

US President, Barack Obama:“No one can impose progress and peace on another nation, ultimately only Sudanese leaders can ensure that the referenda go forward and Sudan finds peace.” 美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马:“没有人可以将进步与和平强加给另一个国家。最终只有苏丹领导人能确保进行全民公决并让苏丹找到和平。”

In the Democratic Republic of Congo peacekeepers escorted villagers travelling long distances to a market in North Kivu. Rebel groups were operating in the area, often robbing and killing civilians. 在刚果民主共和国,维和人员护送村民长途跋涉前往位于基伍北部的市场。反叛队伍在这个地区活动频繁,并经常对平民进行抢劫和杀戮。

VILLAGER: (Swahili)“Looting and pillaging has now stopped afte MONUC started the escorts.” 村民:“自从联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团开始了护送任务后,抢劫和掠夺停止了。”

Peacekeepers stepped up their patrols after they failed to prevent the gang-rapes of hundreds of women by the rebels. Margot Wallstrom, UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, visited victims and saw peacekeepers trying their best to secure a vast area. 维和人员在没能防止叛军对成百上千的妇女进行强奸后,加强了巡逻。联合国冲突中性暴力特别代表,玛格丽特·瓦尔斯特伦姆看望了受害者,也看到维和人员正尽全力保卫着这一大片地区。

Margot Wallstrom: “I have witnessed firsthand their determination to do all they possibly can to protect civilians, but the reality is that they are overstretched and underresourced.” 玛格丽特·瓦尔斯特伦姆:“我亲眼见证了他们尽其所能保护平民的决心,但事实是,他们工作量过大而且资源不足。”

To prevent rapes, some refugee camps have introduced solar stoves so that the women don't have to go out and collect firewood any more. 为了防止强奸的发生,一些难民营引进了太阳能炉具,这样,妇女们就不必再出去捡木柴了。