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In Somalia, thousands of people fled the latest deadly clashes in Mogadishu. Off the nation's coast, 20 ships and more than 400 passengers are held by pirates, according to the World Maritime Organization. 在索马里,成千上万人逃离了发生在摩加迪沙的造成严重伤亡的最新冲突。国际海事组织称,海盗在这个国家的沿海地区劫持了20条船和400多名乘客。

In Afghanistan, delegations from 70 countries agreed on an Afghan-led political framework for peace and reconciliation. But new reports show a sharp rise in insurgent attacks -- including a 55% increase in children being injured. Despite Taliban threats, more than 4 million people voted in the parliamentary elections in September. 在阿富汗,来自70个国家的代表们就由阿富汗人领导的和平及和解政治框架达成了一致。但有新的报告显示,叛乱者发动的袭击数量大幅上升,儿童受伤人数也上升了55%。尽管面临来自塔利班的威胁,400多万人参加了九月举行的议会选举。

UN Special Representative for Afghanistan Staffan de Mistura:“Afghanistan is still a country in a very tense conflict. The fact that the election took place at all -- is an accomplishment in itself.” 联合国阿富汗特别代表,斯塔凡-德米斯图拉:“阿富汗仍处于非常激烈的冲突之中。选举到底还是进行了,这本身就是一大成就。”

The Middle East Quartet urged all the principal players to keep the peace process between Israel and Palestine going. 中东问题四方敦促所有主要成员让以色列和巴勒斯坦的和平进程得以继续。

Israeli President, Shimon Peres:“(We are now negotiating with the Palestinians in order to realize the two-state-solution) A Jewish state, Israel. An Arab state -- Palestinian. There is no other peaceful alternative to that conflict.” 以色列总统西蒙·佩雷斯:“为了实现两国方案,我们正与巴勒斯坦进行谈判。一个犹太国家以色列和一个阿拉伯国家巴勒斯坦。除此,没有其它可供选择的和平方式来解决这个冲突。”

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas: “Our wounded hands are still able to carry the olive branch from the rubble of the tree that the occupation uproots every day.” 巴勒斯坦总统马哈茂德·阿巴斯:“我们带着伤口的双手仍然能从每天被侵占者连根拔起的橄榄树丛中拾起橄榄枝。”

In a joyful break from the tensions in Gaza, more than 6,000 children took part in a kite flying contest at the UN Relief and Works Agency' summer camp -- and set a new world record. 6000多个孩子参加了联合国近东救济工程处举办的夏令营放风筝竞赛,创下一项新的世界纪录。这是他们在加沙紧张局势中的一小段快乐时光。

65 years after Hiroshima, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon declared that it was time to free the world of nuclear weapons. Ban Ki-moon: “…this is the only sane path.” 广岛原子弹爆炸65年后,联合国秘书长潘基文宣布,让这个世界不再有核武器的时候到了。潘基文:“......这是唯一一条明智的道路。”

In Prague, the US and Russia signed a new arms reduction treaty and at the UN the 189 Member nations of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty agreed to cut nuclear arsenals in a series of small steps. 在布拉格,美国和俄罗斯签署了一项新的裁减武器条约;在联合国,189个核不扩散条约成员国同意采取一系列小步骤削减核武器。

UN Messenger of Peace, Michael Douglas: “It is my profound hope that we could be witnessing the beginning of the end of nuclear weapons.” 联合国和平信使迈克尔·道格拉斯:“我深切地希望能够亲眼目睹终结核武器时代的开始。”

Even as the UN pushes for a ban on all nuclear tests, there's still concern that North Korea and Iran are attempting to make nuclear bombs. 即便联合国敦促禁止所有核试验,但是对于朝鲜和伊朗正试图制造核炸弹的担心仍然存在。

BAN KI-MOON:“I call on Iran to fully comply with Security Council Resolutions and fully cooperate with the IAEA. I encourage the Democratic People's Republic of Korea … to realize the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.” 潘基文:“我要求伊朗全面遵守安理会决议并与国际原子能机构全面合作。我鼓励朝鲜民主主义人民共和国实现朝鲜半岛可核查的无核化。”

2010 is the year of biodiversity. These orphaned gorilla babies in Congo lost their parents to poachers. Peacekeepers airlifted them to a nature reserve to help reduce illegal trading in endangered species. In Nagoya,the 193 members of the Convention on Biological Diversity vowed to halt the loss of the world's plant and animal species, increase protection for the world's vital ecosystems, and to share the Earth's genetic resources equally. 2010年是生物多样性年。这些刚果的大猩猩宝宝因为父母落入偷猎者手中而成了孤儿。维和人员将它们空运至一个自然保护区以帮助减少濒危物种的非法买卖。在名古屋,生物多样性公约的193个成员国发誓不再让世界植物和动物物种消失;加强对世界至关重要的生态系统的保护;并公平分享地球的遗传资源。

This year heads of State gathered at the UN to review progress on the Millennium Development Goals to create a world free of extreme poverty by 2015. 今年,各国首脑云集联合国对实现千年发展目标所取得的进步进行回顾,并力争于2015年创造一个没有极端贫穷的世界。

A lot has been achieved since the year 2000: Three million more children survive past the age of 5 every year. More than five million people in developing countries have access to affordable drugs for HIV/AIDS-and millions more boys AND girls are going to school. For the first time in decades significantly fewer women are dying in childbirth. Promoting the interests of women and girls across the globe, the UN created a new entity for Gender Equality, called UN WOMEN. 自2000年以来,我们取得了很多成就:每年可以活过5岁的孩子增加了300万;在发展中国家,能获得支付得起的艾滋病治疗药物的人增加了 500万;能走进学堂的男孩和女孩也增加了数百万;死于分娩的妇女人数几十年来第一次大幅减少。为在全球范围内提高妇女和女孩的权利,联合国创建了一个新的机构——联合国妇女署。

With a billion people still hungry, the challenges facing the world are tremendous. 仍有10亿人在挨饿。我们这个世界还面临着巨大挑战。

The UN worked together with governments the private sector and even royalty. Queen Elizabeth the Second came to the UN more than 50 years after her first visit: 联合国与政府、私营部门、甚至皇室合作。女王伊丽莎白二世在她首次访问联合国50多年后再次来到联合国

“We are not gathered here to reminisce. In tomorrow's world we must all work together as hard as ever if we are truly to be UNITED NATIONS.” 女王伊丽莎白二世:“我们今天在此不是为了叙旧忆往。在明天的世界里,我们大家必须一如既往,携手努力,这样我们才能成为一个名副其实的联合国!”