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1. The villagers have a unique vantage point on the events taking place across the border.

take place发生; 举行
例句:The evening party will take place on New Year's Eve.

2. At the bottom of the valley lies the border dividing Turkey and Syria.

at the bottom of在…的底部
例句:The book I want is right at the bottom of the pile. 

3. He says there are around 2,000 refugees hiding next to the border among the orchards.

next to紧邻;在…近旁
例句:The ship hove to next to ours.

4. He said the Syrian security agents are targeting people who tried to leave the country.

try to设法
例句:He finally screwed up enough courage to try to dive. 
5. They break in to people’s houses and arrest them there.

break in闯入
例句:We were watching TV when he broke in.
我们正在看电视, 他突然闯了进来。

6. They even attacked them where they are hiding among the trees and took their children away from them.

take away from把…带走; 使离开
例句:The children were taken away from that school.

7. One woman has given birth hiding in those trees.

give birth 使诞生;生(孩子)
例句:Mother koalas give birth to babies only every other year. 

8. They are scared to be killed that’s why they’re here.

be scared to 害怕
例句:My mother is scared to fly in a plane.

9. But maybe they don’t let them come in.

come in进来, 进入; 来到, 到达
例句:The door opened and the teacher came in.
门开了, 老师走了进来。

10. Ambulances and Turkish military patrols pass by along the border.

pass by经过; 过去
例句:Ambulances and Turkish military patrols pass by along the border.

11. Locals on the Turkish side say that 2 days ago a group of several hundred refugees came over the border and were picked up by the Turkish military.

pick up捉住, 逮住
例句:He was implicated in a murder, and sooner or later they would pick him up.
他和一宗凶杀案有牵连, 迟早他们会逮捕他的。

12. The Syrians won’t let any foreign journalists in and they’re shutting down mobile phone and internet networks which means it’s impossible to say if more refugees are on their way.

shut down完全关闭,倒闭,停止运转
例句:She shut the lid down.