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1. A lot of that has to do with tough decisions that you took

do with与…有关
例句:I'm interested in anything to do with music.

2. He said Democrats in the House, where majority Republicans have blocked many of his key jobs proposals, were willing to make tough cuts amounting to more than $2 trillion in deficit reduction.

be willing to乐于
例句:They are willing to come.
amount to共计
例句:The bill amounts to $500.

3. "While I have tried to reach out and work with the president, I can tell you that for the last four months since last Labor Day, the president has been in campaign mode every day," said Boehner.

reach out(使)伸出
例句:A tree reaches out its branches towards the light.

4. But Representative John Larson of Connecticut, a key Democratic leader who introduced Obama at the conference in Maryland, said Republicans were to blame for the gridlock in Washington.

blame for因…怪罪, 责怪(某人)
例句:He blamed his brother for breaking the window.

5. You have made every attempt humanly possible to get them to bring your legislation that will put this country back to work, to the floor.

put back放回原处
例句:The boy put the ink bottle back where it came from.

6. Biden said the 2012 election will present "stark contrasts" between President Obama's vision and Republicans, and predicted that obstruction would eventually backfire on them.

backfire on对…产生事与愿违的后果
例句:His plan backfired on him, and he lost all his money.
他的计划事与愿违, 因此他的钱全亏掉了。

7. "Guess what? The American people are figuring it out. [That Republicans] reject the word, they reject the notion of compromise," said Biden.

figure out计算出; 解决;想出
例句:Could you help me figure out this problem?

8. Obama said they need to find ways to work with Republicans, but vowed he will not stand for more obstruction.

stand for容忍, 容许
例句:I will not stand for behavior of that kind in my house.

9. On the other hand, where they obstruct, where they are unwilling to act, where they are more interested in party then they are in country, more interested in the next election than the next generation, then we have got to call them out on it.

call out叫喊, 大声地说
例句:He called out to his father for help.