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2013-09-15来源:ABC news

-As Americans returned to work today the president ramps up his push for congress to approve a military strike in Syria.

-He meets face to face today with lawmakers but a bigger test could come hours later we have team coverage this morning we'll get to the Middle East in just a moment.

-Let's begin on Washington with ABC's -- Tahlman Bradley. Good morning Tahlman.

-Good morning you Diana good morning John tonight President Obama heads overseas where he’ll court international support for a military strike in Syria. Before leaving,he’ll try to win over members of congress.

Before departing tonight for Sweden President Obama will push members of congress to back military action in Syria. The president has invited a number of lawmakers including House speaker John Boehner and Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi,over to the White House this morning for candid talk.

Mr. Obama appears to have already won tentative support from two Republicans senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain

-I think we have found some areas that we can work together. But we have a long way to go McCain says he isn't sure a vote authorizing a military strike on Syria would pass.

-I really have no ideas because I think a lot of people have not made up their minds.

Some lawmakers who received the classified briefing on Syria about the president’s national security team remain skeptical.

-I don't see where the Assad regime has posed a direct threat to America or its allies.

Others think the US should take action against Bashar Al Assad's regime but need further explanation about the president's call for a limited strike

-What's missing right now is the plan of action about what would happen in the event that the United States did use some type of force against Syria

In Syria rebels battling the Assad regime are furious that President Obama delayed military action so that the Congress could vote.

The rebels ******  strong emotions. These kids held signs urging the US intervention. "saved the children of Syria" one said.

- According to the UN more than two million refugees have fled serious violence. The country is losing almost 5000 citizens a day, Diana and John.

It's Tahlman Bradley live in Washington thank you.

-And now let's turn to ABC's Molly hunter in Jerusalem. Let's start here Syria's leader Bashar Al Assad has given a new interview what was his message.

-Diana he was defiant he was confident he had it threatening words for the US. President Assad said the Middle East is like a powder keg.And the fuse is getting shorter. He said any western strike on Syria could send the region into chaos. Raising the prospect of a regional war but he called Obama a weak leader and he said it's too late for dialogue.

- Alright Molly,a lot of posturing going on clearly but how is this talk of a regional war going over with Syria's neighbors right now?

-John, that it exactly what Syria's neighbors and US allies in the region are worried about. Israel is on alert and here in Jerusalem, Israeli officials aren't saying much.Look, they would like Assad gone, but they are most worried about a post-Assad Syria. They don't know what that's gonna look like. Other US ally Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey have been much more vocal urging the US to end this right now. But no US ally really wants to be directly involved.

-All right. ABC’s Molly Hunter live for us in Jerusalem. Thank you.