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It is hot out there, right? For a huge portion of the country right now. And chances are, you might be trying to keep it cool. 外面很热,对吧? 美国的大部分地区都很热。很可能你正在设法降温。Excessive heat warnings--the most severe form of heat alert--currently span 1100 miles and are impacting more than 20 states. 超高温警报--最严重的高温警报--目前覆盖了1100英里,影响着20多个州。Temperatures in some places are 20 degrees higher than normal this time of year.一些地方的气温比往年同期高出20华氏度(11摄氏度)。This week more than 65 million people will have experienced a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.本周,超过6500万人将经历100华氏度(37.8摄氏度)以上的高温。And the heat is causing significant challenges.高温正在造成重大挑战。Listen to this, tragically, nearly two dozen cattle died from excessive heat in Nebraska, and more than 100 residents from a nursing home in Kansas City had to be evacuated due to temperatures reaching 119 degrees. 听听这个消息--非常不幸,内布拉斯加州有近24头牛死于超高温,另外,堪萨斯城一家养老院的100多名居民不得不撤离,因为那里的气温高达119华氏度(48.3摄氏度)。And one other thing to let you know, just how hot it's been in ice cream shop in Iowa had to shut down because the building couldn't stay cool enough to keep the ice cream frozen. 还有一个消息,爱荷华州的一家冰淇淋店不得不关门,因为所在的大楼无法保持低温、冰激凌无法冷冻。The heat wave is especially remarkable for this already record-breaking summer. 在这个已经破纪录的夏天,热浪尤其引人注目。The scientific cause is called a heat dome, which is a strong area of high pressure that traps and intensifies hot air at the surface. 科学上,热浪是由“热穹顶”引起的,“热穹顶”是一个强高压区域,可以困住并强化地表的热空气。And the heat is predicted to persist. So we may see even more heat records across central and southern parts of the country.预计高温还会持续。我们可能会看到美国中部和南部地区出现更多高温记录。The record high temperatures are even impacting students in classrooms. 创纪录的高温甚至影响了教室里的学生。In Denver, Colorado, 16 elementary schools, and a middle school ended classes early due to the soaring temperatures. 在科罗拉多州丹佛市,十六所小学和一所中学因气温飙升而提前放学。Milwaukee public schools were closed entirely.密尔沃基的公立学校完全关闭。In other districts, outdoor activities have been postponed. 在其他地区,户外活动已经推迟。And even in classrooms where air conditioning is working. 甚至在空调正常吹的教室也是如此。Well, the schools have had to make accommodations to avoid subjecting students to sweltering bus rides to get there. 学校不得不提供食宿,避免让学生遭受乘坐闷热公交车上学之苦。Our meteorologist Ms. Allison Chinchar is here to break it all down for us. Ally, it is smoke and hot out there?气象学家艾莉森·钦查尔女士将为我们逐一分解。艾莉,外面热得冒烟了?That's right, Coy. It has been a brutally hot week and it's all thanks to a heat dome. 没错,科伊。这周酷热难耐,这是因为“热穹顶”。Now, essentially what we've had set up this week is a high-pressure system essentially parked over the central U.S.现在,本周形成的“热穹顶”本质上是一个高压系统,它基本上在美国中部上空停滞不动。Now, normally we all know heat rises, but under high pressure, that's actually pushing that air back down towards the surface, essentially acting like a giant lid, trapping that heat, keeping all of it back closer to the surface. 通常我们都知道热气会上升,但在高压下,实际上,热气会被推回到地面,本质上类似于一个巨大的罩子,困住热气,让所有的热气保持在地面附近。And what that does is it allows a lot of this same area under that high pressure to just be dealing with incredibly hot temperatures. 这样的结果是,处在这样高压下的很多区域要反复应对极端高温。And in some cases prolonged periods of time because that high pressure system simply doesn't move.在某些情况下,高温会持续很长时间,因为高压系统停滞不动。