
牛津书虫系列《苔丝》Chapter13 附中英双语文本

Clare was not depressed by Tess's refusal, feeling sure that she would finally accept him. A few days later he asked her again.
‘Tess, why did you say “no” so positively?’
‘I'm not good enough.’
‘Not enough of a fine lady?’
‘Yes. Your family would not respect me.’
‘You know, you're wrong.My father and mother would.And I don't care about my brothers.’He held her to stop her slipping away.‘You didn't mean it, did you? I can't work or read or play or anything until I know that you will some day be mine! Say you will,Tess!’
She could only shake her head and look away.
‘Then I ought not to hold you, to talk to you like this?Why,Tess?’
‘It is for your good,my dearest! I can't give myself the great happiness of promising to be yours—because I am sure I ought not to!’
‘But you will make me happy!’
‘Ah, you think so, but you don't know!’
After a struggle like this, Tess would go to the fields or her room to cry. Her heart was so strongly on the side of his that she feared she might give way.
‘Why doesn't somebody tell him all about me?’she thought.‘It was only forty miles away. Somebody must know!’But nobody knew and nobody told him.
Tess's life now had two parts, positive pleasure and positive pain. Every time she and Angel were alone together he would ask her again, and she would refuse. She was keeping her promise to herself, but in her heart of hearts Tess knew that eventually she would accept him.Love and nature both advised her to have him without thinking of complications, to delight in passion without considering future pain.
‘I know I shall say yes—I can't help it!’She cried to herself in bed one night.‘But it may kill him when he knows! Oh, oh!’
‘I've got some news for you all, said Dairyman Crick as they sat down to breakfast one Sunday morning.‘It's that Jack Dollop again.’
‘The lover in the butter-churn?’ said Angel Clare,looking up from his newspaper.‘And has he married the young milkmaid, as he promised?’
‘Not he, sir,’replied the dairyman.‘He's married an older woman who had £ 50 a year. They married in a great hurry and then she told him that by marrying she'd lost her£50 a year! He only married her for her money too.So now they're always quarrelling.’