


Yet a gassier Europe may not need to worry too much about security of supply. At least in the near term there is plenty of LNG because capacity originally intended to serve America is no longer needed for that purpose. This is good news for Europe and for Japan, which in the short run needs gas and oil to make up for lost production at Fukushima and other nuclear plants closed in the earthquake’s aftermath, regardless of its long-term choices.


Some expect this surplus to last throughout the 2010s, as new sources become available. Others fear, or hope, that the market could tighten quite quickly. Paul McConnell of Wood Mackenzie, another research firm, has argued that for China to meet a pledged 40% reduction in the carbon intensity of its economy by 2020 would require a lot more gas than currently expected. If nuclear plants contribute less, that will be truer than ever. But though gas supply may tighten, there is still, by all estimates, a lot of it around for the medium to long term.

某些人士预计,随着新的来源可资利用,这种供应过剩将会在整个21世纪10年代中持续;其他人士则担心(或者希望)市场将会很快趋紧。另一家研究公司——伍德麦肯兹公司(Wood Mackenzie)的保罗??麦康奈尔(Paul McConnell)已经指出,中国若想在2020年前实现其经济碳密度降低四成的承诺,该国的天然气需求量就将远远高于现有预期。如果核电站的发电量减少,情况就更是如此。不过,尽管天然气供应或将趋紧,但所有预测都认为在中长期时段上,仍然会有大量天然气。

In the long term we’re not all dead长期看来,我们并非全都难逃一劫

Gas would be an early winner in a less nuclear world. But renewables might also do well. When cheap and plentiful gas replaces coal in electricity generation, it often reduces emissions much more cheaply than renewables can. But when gas replaces nuclear, it increases emissions. Any country serious about tackling climate change will therefore want more fossil-fuel-free generation elsewhere in the system. Renewables would have a clearer run at that segment of the market.


Distressing though it is, the crisis at Fukushima Dai-ichi is not in itself a reason for the world to change energy policy. The public-health effects seem likely, in the long run, to be small. Coal, with its emissions of sulphur, mercury and soot, will continue to kill far more people per kilowatt hour than nuclear does. But as an opportunity to reflect it may be welcome.


An energy portfolio, like any other, is a basket of risks: of security of supply, cost and environmental damage. Fear and uncertainty, which nuclear fission produces as unavoidably as it does iodine-131, distort people’s perceptions of those risks. The long-term outlook which nuclear power also brings with it should clarify them.


Over the next 40 years, four things look clear. The world’s people would be healthier and its climate less prone to change if it used a lot less coal; that requires greater energy efficiency, more renewable power and better grids, all of which also allow greater energy security; significantly more research would help; and the supply of gas is much larger and more reliable than was thought just ten years ago, which will lower the costs of change. Because nuclear power saves carbon, doing without it would make action on climate harder. But because it increases capital costs and systemic risks, it would rarely have grown that much anyway outside a few countries. It won’t go away, but it must to some extent remain a sideshow, however spectacular it looks when it goes wrong.
