


Damn Vermont Yankee该死的佛蒙特扬基核电站

America, which leads the world in installed nuclear power, may lead the world in turning away from the technology, too. In 2007 Congress agreed to provide loan guarantees for nuclear power; some 28 applications for new stations have since been filed. Barack Obama pledged in his state-of-the-union address in January 2010 to build a “new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants”. Even before Fukushima, though, this was looking increasingly unlikely. The recession hit demand. Ever-more-available shale gas brought a cheap and reliable alternative route to domestically fuelled electricity. And the lack of climate legislation meant there was no price on carbon, which would have favoured nuclear power.


There are just two new American reactors under construction, neither with full regulatory approval (a third, approved under an earlier system and then put on ice, is also under way). Few in the industry expect many more. Applications for around 20 plants to extend their licences are before the government and requests for 15 more are expected shortly. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has already granted them to 64 plants, most recently on March 21st to Vermont Yankee, which is of the same design and vintage as the Fukushima reactors. This similarity has not been lost on the Vermonters trying with renewed vigour to shut it down. Expect more local opposition in years to come.


In Japan, where nuclear power provides 30% of the country’s electricity, the debate may be more complex than outsiders imagine. Japan’s nuclear anguish stems more from the way the industry is run than from its technological essence. The Japanese are angry at bureaucrats and TEPCO, the company that owns Fukushima Dai-ichi, for a long record of shoddy safety standards and cover-ups. “Amakudari kills,” tweeted a well-known reformer recently, referring to the “descent from heaven” of senior bureaucrats to cushy jobs in industries they used to regulate. So although Japan may phase out a lot of older reactors, the public may tolerate nuclear power in the form of new, better plants with management it trusts.


In the European Union Austria, Denmark, Greece, Ireland and Portugal are strongly anti-nuclear, but the EU as a whole is unlikely to go their way. Its response to Fukushima has been to call for “stress tests” of its members’ reactors. Britain, the Czech Republic and Finland hope soon to build some more. Finland and France, which produces more of its electricity in nuclear plants than any other big country, each have under construction a plant of the European Pressurised Reactor (EPR) design developed by AREVA, a French industrial group. Plans may be delayed or diminished, but a complete halt to building is unlikely.
