



Black hats, grey hairs

A shake-up in the hacker underground and fresh attacks suggest change is coming to computer security

Aug 6th 2011 | from the print edition

AN 18-YEAR-OLD with 16 computers in a small house in the Shetland Islands: that is where a police hunt ended for the global nerve centre of LulzSec, a group of hackers whose exploits include defacing or disabling the websites of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, the CIA, a bunch of gay-bashing American Baptists, and Britain’s Serious Organised Crime Agency. Active from May to late June, when it claims to have disbanded, LulzSec’s hallmark was prankish attacks accompanied by public mockery. As well as officialdom, its targets included computer-security and online-gaming companies regarded as pompous, complacent or hypocritical.

在英国设德兰群岛上的一间小屋里,有一个十八岁的孩子守着十六台计算机,这就是警察搜寻到的LulzSec 的全球控制总部。这个名叫Lulzsec 黑客组织的战绩包括,攻击破坏罗伯特默多克媒体帝国的网站,美国中央情报局网站,美国浸信会中攻击同性恋的网站,还有英国重大组织犯罪署的网站。一直从五月活跃到七月末,它忽然宣布解散。LulzSec特点就是在公众的嘲笑下恶作剧般的攻击。它的目标包括那些自大骄傲虚伪的计算机安全公司和在线游戏公司,还有官僚做派的组织。

In geekspeak “lulz” means to laugh at a victim; “sec” is for “security”. But lately the misfortune has mostly been the hackers’ own. Of LulzSec’s six presumed core members, police have arrested at least two, including, in late July, the (now bailed) Scottish teenager Jake Davis. The most expert, who goes by the alias Sabu, is still at large. About 15 members of Anonymous, a shadowy collective of skilled, politically motivated hackers, are also in police custody worldwide, according to Gregg Housh, a Boston man who ran computer servers for it but denies involvement in illegal hacks.
