


Not in it for the money

Groups such as Anonymous and LulzSec are not motivated by money, but they can still wreak financial havoc. Following the theft of roughly 100m online gamers’ account details in April, Sony shut down its PlayStation Network for nearly a month at a cost of about $171m. A loss in consumer trust has added to that toll. Anonymous and LulzSec often post stolen data online to brag and attract potential recruits. But others can and do attempt to cash in on the loot. David Perez of Taddong, a Madrid-based consultancy, says stolen bank-account or credit-card details often end up in online black markets. Illicit software automates many of these bourses, says Gordon Snow, assistant director of the cybercrime division in America’s FBI. Sellers and buyers need not communicate directly, so closing deals is less risky.

像“匿名”和LulzSec这样的团体不为钱驱使,但是他们仍旧能摆脱经济上困窘。四月大概有一亿在线玩家的账户被盗,之后索尼就将它自己的PSN关了近一个月的时间,花了大概1.71亿美元。由于失去了客户信任,增加了损失。“匿名”和LulzSec 经常在网上展示偷来的数据,用来显摆或者吸引新人眼球。但是其他人可以也尝试利用这些战利品来趁机捞一把。来自马德里一家名叫塔东咨询公司的大卫.佩雷斯说,那些偷来的银行账号或者信用卡详细资料最终都会落到线上黑市交易。美国联邦调查局的网络犯罪部门助理司长戈登.斯诺说,非法软件让许多线上交易所自动交易。卖家和买家不需要直接沟通,做成交易没多大风险。

Lately LulzSec has changed tack, branding itself a champion of the oppressed, perhaps to shake off accusations of political indifference and sadism. A grandiloquent statement issued after Mr Davis’s arrest said: “We are sick of the twisted corporatocracy that controls us…united, we can stomp down our common oppressors and imbue ourselves with the power and freedom we deserve.”


Even as the hacking underworld has splintered, new threats are emerging. The agenda for Black Hat USA, a security shindig this week in Las Vegas, ranges from the perennial flaws of Microsoft’s software to newly discovered weaknesses in Apple laptops’ batteries, in mobile devices running Google’s Android operating system and in wireless water-meters.


The growth of “cloud” computing makes life harder for hackers overall (because firms that run cloud systems will on average have better security) but when a breach occurs, it offers bigger gains. LulzSec recently claimed (on flimsy evidence) that it had made Apple “our bitch for life” by pillaging passwords and source code from the iCloud servers built to dispatch photos, music and other data to customers’ iPhones, iPads and computers. As mischief has become easier, the hacker crowd has burgeoned and mutated. Ilias Chantzos of Symantec, a computer-security company, says it has far outgrown its nerdy roots in a subculture of brainy social outcasts fuelled by pizza deliveries and fizzy drinks.
