


Authorities in America, Australia, Britain, France, the Netherlands, Norway and elsewhere are arresting high-profile hacktivists and threatening them with real-life jail (without, horrors, internet access). Old-fashioned policing, such as less severe sentences for those who snitch, is proving effective: “These are criminal networks and there are known techniques for dealing with criminal networks,” says Nils Gilman of Monitor 360, a consultancy.


Amid this pressure the hacker underground, riven by squabbles and splits over personality and policy, has turned on itself. Cyber civil wars have broken out, with rivals attacking each others’ computers and attempting to discover and reveal their real-world identities. LulzSec itself emerged from such a row a little more than three months ago when it broke off from Anonymous. The quarrel, about which targets deserved attack, was particularly bitter, says Mr Housh.

这些地下黑客组织不光面临着外界压力,在个性和政策上的争执分歧也让自己焦头烂额,引火烧身。网络内战已经爆发,竞争对手间互相攻击对方的计算机网络,试图去揭发泄露对方现实身份。LulzSec 同三个月前他和“匿名”断交前相比,现在更多的参与到其中。豪斯先生说,关于攻击目标的争论,尤为激烈。

Upon forming, LulzSec distanced itself from its parent. The older group had been launching computer attacks against MasterCard, Visa, PayPal and others that had blocked donations to WikiLeaks. The LulzSec team of self-described “evil bastards” wrote in a press release that it preferred to abuse more ordinary folks and organisations for “a jolt of satisfaction”. Devilry seemingly trumped high-minded politics: the aim, says Mr Housh, was entertainment, “screwing with a person until he can’t take it anymore”. But some more puritanical hackers have turned vigilante, trying to disrupt LulzSec. Its antics, they say, encourage official crackdowns on internet freedoms.

刚刚组建,LulzSec 就同其母体组织保持距离。旧的团体曾经对万事达,威士卡,贝宝和其它的一些停止对维基泄密提供资金的公司发动攻击。而LulzSec团队自我描述成“魔鬼私生子”曾在发布稿中写过,它更愿意去攻击更普通的平民或者组织,只是为了纯粹的满足感。邪恶好像是高尚的政治正义感更胜一筹。豪斯先生说:纯粹为了娱乐,和一个人死磕到底直到他动弹不得。但是一些清教徒式的黑客成为了治安专员,想要搞垮LulzSec。他们认为,它的各种离经叛道的行径就是在鼓励当局限制网络自由。