


This is far from a lasting solution to America’s climbing debt. Neither Republicans nor Democrats were forced to slaughter their sacred cows. Republicans kept higher taxes off the table, and Democrats did the same with the biggest entitlements: Medicaid (the federal-state health programme for the poor), Social Security (pensions) and most of Medicare, the federal health programme for the elderly. The deal also threatens to tighten fiscal policy further in 2012, when the recovery is still struggling to establish itself.


It marks, too, another deeply worrying change. The willingness of one party to use the threat of default, if not on government bonds then on other federal obligations such as pensions and pay-cheques, marked a dangerous escalation in the partisan rancour that has come to bedevil policymaking. It is not just big, controversial things like tax reform and climate change that fall victim to gridlock, but smaller, routine matters where disagreements are often slight. Since 2007 the Federal Aviation Administration has operated on no less than 20 short-term funding authorisations; the latest finally ran out on July 22nd because of a congressional dispute, forcing the layoff of thousands of workers and a halt to airport building projects (see article). Many regulatory positions remain vacant because Senate Republicans are blocking appointments to them. Free-trade agreements with Colombia, South Korea and Panama, supported by both parties, have been stalled because the Democrats want ratification linked to renewal of a worker-training programme and Republicans do not.
