


The outlook, then, is that America’s political dysfunction will only get worse, and with it the burden on economic growth. Some may think that too gloomy a view. The debt-ceiling farrago showed that old-fashioned bargaining could still work, and both Mr Obama and Mr Boehner showed themselves open to a grand bargain, if only for a time. A day after the debt deal, Senate leaders reached a sort of pact on moving the free-trade agreements forward.


Round the country, too, there are gleams of useful reform. Both Florida and California are experimenting with less partisan forms of redistricting, which should lead to more competitive elections in which congressmen have to cater to the average voter rather than the extreme wings of their parties. If other states follow suit, it could slowly reverse the ideological duopoly that has taken over the House. Even without that, many tea-party Republicans, who won their seats in districts that were recently Democratic, have a high risk of being turfed out next year if they fail to learn the fine art of compromise.


But all that is 15 months in the future. And congressmen who have left Washington in a glow of relief and self-congratulation should have no illusions. The political dysfunctionality of America has been on display as never before, to the nation’s shame. And it can still do plenty of harm to a very sick economy.
