


The Democrats found the deal unbalanced because it contains no tax increases. But nor does it guarantee changes to entitlement programmes, which do not require annual authorisation and are the real source of long-term spending pressure. As a result, the deal’s $2.1 trillion-2.4 trillion in deficit savings will not only fail to halt the climb in the debt, but may not preserve America’s AAA credit rating either. Wall Street is jittery; though the stockmarket rallied when the deal was announced, by the end of August 2nd the S&P 500 had tumbled to a seven-month low.


In theory, the joint congressional committee that must find the next tranche of cuts could embrace both entitlement reform and an increase in taxes. But Mr Boehner and Mitch McConnell, the Republican minority leader in the Senate, have made it clear that they do not want the committee to pursue tax increases. Since they will appoint the six Republican members, and since at least one Republican vote will be needed to put the committee’s recommendations to Congress as a whole, they can presumably get their way. Democrats, in turn, have made it clear that they will not allow cuts to entitlements unless the Republicans give ground on taxes.


The debt deal’s triggers are meant to be fearsome enough to prevent that kind of deadlock. But for many Republicans, voting for a tax increase would be a bigger sin than allowing vicious cuts in the defence budget. Many Democrats, in turn, think they have been too quick to compromise in recent budget battles and are determined to call the Republicans’ bluff for once. Some—Mr Obama among them—welcome the idea of campaigning for next year’s elections with huge and doubtless unpopular budget cuts looming, while the rich are spared any rise in taxes.


Furthermore, there is always the chance that Congress, when faced with big cuts to cherished programmes, will simply reverse itself and disconnect the triggers. Past schemes designed to instil fiscal discipline have frequently come unstuck sooner or later. The triggers are meant to be pulled on December 23rd, but if no agreement has been reached, the cuts do not take effect for over a year after that, leaving Congress plenty of time to reconsider.
