


Small comforts 仅存的小安慰

Mr Obama did secure his priorities: the debt ceiling will not be an issue again until after the next election, and programmes for the poor were largely protected. He did not fully shield the recovery, though. Michael Feroli of JPMorgan Chase reckons the spending caps will subtract 0.3 percentage points from growth in 2012 (see chart 3). Fiscal policy was already on course to knock 1.4 points off growth, as last year’s payroll-tax cut and extension to unemployment benefits reach their expiry date. Administration officials hope to persuade Congress to keep both for one more year. But if they fail, then fiscal tightening poses a serious obstacle for an economy already growing at “stall speed”: that is, slowly enough to fall back into recession.


The president counts as perhaps his biggest victory the reprieve from debt-ceiling blackmail for two more years. To be sure, the Republicans holding out against an increase assumed, probably correctly, that the Treasury would have found a way to pay interest on the debt. But it would have had to default on many other obligations. That the Republicans deployed such a threat so successfully will encourage both parties to try it again. Indeed, Mr McConnell proudly declared the strategy “a new template”. “In the future”, he added, “any president, this one or another one, when they request us to raise the debt ceiling, it will not be clean any more…we will go through the process again and see what we can continue to achieve.”


The two parties’ disagreements on economic policy are likely to surface time and again between now and the election. Besides the various votes on whatever the joint committee comes up with, a budget is due by October 1st; part of the petrol (gasoline) tax is up for renewal next month; unemployment benefits will become much less generous at the end of the year; and the tax cuts enacted under George Bush and extended last year will expire again at the end of 2012. Each of these events will provide an excuse to repeat all the partisan posturing of the past few months.
