


Les grandes illusions 宏大的幻想

Pundits and political wise men have long dreamed of a “grand bargain”, which would arrest the growth of entitlement spending while raising tax revenue by closing loopholes. It is more or less the only formula that solves America’s budget woes while sharing political pain equally between the two parties. It is no coincidence that such a bargain lies at the heart of most recent bipartisan deficit-reduction schemes, including those put forward by the Senate’s “Gang of Six” and the president’s own fiscal commission. Both plans would have cut the deficit by roughly $4 trillion over the next decade, enough to put the debt on a downward path relative to GDP. Many hoped the debt-ceiling increase would be the vehicle to deliver it.


But Mr Obama, despite much talk about the need for long-term fiscal consolidation, has done little to advance it. He ignored his commission’s findings, and instead proposed a budget in February that left entitlements untouched. As for the Republicans, they have been as obdurate as Mr Obama was feckless. They walked out of negotiations no fewer than three times over the summer because the Democrats had the temerity to propose tax increases. Mr Obama and John Boehner, the Republican speaker of the House, came close to striking a grand bargain a few weeks ago that would have reformed entitlements and tamed future deficits; but they fell out, both sides agree, on the subject of tax.


The result was a deal that neither side believes can fix the deficit. All $917 billion of the immediate spending cuts comes from discretionary outlays: items such as defence, law enforcement and research, which must be authorised each year by Congress. Spending on these was already heading downwards (see chart 2), and the deal accelerates the decline.
