
经济学人下载:重蹈覆辙 中西部的农业危机有多严重(2)


American farmers again started to farm more land.

They also used more yield-boosting technology—as did farmers in other parts of the world.

A record 179m productive acres were brought in worldwide since 2006, says Dan Basse at AgResource, a research firm.
来自一家名为AgResource的研究公司的Dan Basse表示,自从2006年起,全世界卖出了创纪录的17.9亿亩的耕地。

Things started to turn sour after a year of record profits in 2013, when the rapidly growing global supply of grains outstripped demand, the appetite for ethanol stagnated and the Chinese economy slowed down.

American net farm revenue dropped from $120 billion in 2013 to an estimated $62 billion this year.

But unlike the previous big crisis, the balance-sheets of many farmers are robust.

Moreover, interest rates are still low and demand remains steady even if it isn't growing much any more.

And although the values for farmland dropped last year for only the second time since the 1980s, these drops were far less dramatic than they were back then: the value of land in Indiana, for instance, fell nearly 60% between 1981 and 1986.

“This boom was not as strong and we don't anticipate this crisis to be as severe as in the 1980s,” says Christopher Hurt at Indiana's Purdue University.
印第安纳州普渡大学的Christopher Hurt表示,“这次的农业兴起没有之前的强势,所以我们认为这次危机也不会像80年代那样严重。”

Even so, farmers have reason to be anxious.

The two things that matter most to them, weather and government policy, are uNPRedictable.

“Monkeying around with trade deals makes us nervous,” says Brent Gloy, who farms in south-western Nebraska.
来自内布拉斯加州西南部的农民Brent Gloy谈到,“和贸易政策斗智斗勇让我们很紧张。”

America exports 20% of its farm production; its top export markets are Canada, China and Mexico.

Populist politics were born in a Midwestern farm-crash at the end of the 19th century.

That 21st-century populism should come along at the same time as an agricultural slump is further proof of what Mark Twain knew: history rhymes.
第二十一世纪的民粹主义应该同时出现,因为农业的萧条进一步证明了Mark Twain所推崇的:历史规律。