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These are valid concerns, which will not be fully allayed until the returns are in. (Representative G.K. Butterfield, whose congressional district includes Greenville, said his big
And she especially attacked the striking down, in 2013, of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v Holder, on the supposition that racism had waned enough to discard
From this predator's point of view the requirement to evolve resistance to a venom, particularly one that is not lethal, is therefore low.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the liberal conscience of America’s Supreme Court, died on September 18th, aged 87
美国最高法院的自由派良知鲁斯·巴德·金斯伯格于9月18日逝世,享年87岁。On th经济学人下载:梵蒂冈财政--一团糟(1)
Small European enclaves have given financial regulators big headaches in the past.
过去,一些欧洲小国曾让金融监管机构头疼不已。Two of them, San Marino and the Vatican, will be vis经济学人下载:熊彼特专栏--LVMH对决爱马仕(4)
The stolid approach has paid off in the pandemic. Sales will probably drop this year because of store and factory closures in the spring. But Hermes looks in better shape than its
Hermes might have struggled to compete head-on. So instead— and this is the wise part—it played to its strengths. While rivals flocked to the fashionable, ostentatious and cuttin
Plenty of companies, particularly those with family histories, resist the lure of takeovers by bigger rivals. Often the decision is guided by pride rather than financial sense. Her
Business 商业版块Schumpeter 熊彼特专栏The one that got away 逃脱的品牌Hermes seemed destined to become part of LVMH’s luxury empire. Not so fast 爱马仕似乎注定要成为酩悦&midd
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2020-09-28经济学人下载:一周要闻 中国8月出口大幅回升 美国失业率下降 特斯拉股票遭受重创
South Africa’s economy was 16.4% smaller in the second quarter compared with the first, the worst contraction since the 1990s. Infections from COVID-19 have slowed, allowing
His nom de guerre, Duch, meant the schoolboy who stood up when his master asked him to. He may have hated the prison work, but he faithfully repeated the slogans. “Our party makes
Buildings and communities can be built in such a way that fires sweep through them—or better still, around them—leaving them more-or-less intact.
建筑和社区建可以以这样一种方式建经济学人下载:一周要闻 农夫山泉老板问鼎首富 中芯国际股价缩水 软银股价暴跌
The world this week
经济A sell-off in tech stocks led to the worst trading period for the Nasdaq since mid-March, at the start of the COVID-19 crisis. Over a经济学人下载:榕树专栏--风暴不歇的日本和韩国(3)
Flood mitigation is essential. Yet though Japan and South Korea have few climate-change deniers, the sense that warming is a problem generated elsewhere has persisted for too long,
California burns every year. But amid a record-breaking heatwave, 2020 is the fieriest year yet.
加利福尼亚每年都在燃烧。但在一场破纪录的热浪中,2020年是迄今为止最火热的一年。As T经济学人下载:前红色高棉监狱长杜赫(3)
He kept his usual neat record of what was done to resisters. “About 20 whippings with fine rattan.” “20-30 whippings with electrical wire.” “Stuffing with water.” He claimed
On September 8th Kim Jong Un, the North’s dictator, assembled his top brass to review the damage a week earlier from the second of the typhoons, Maysak, which destroyed 2,000 home
During the pandemic, CMES such as Germany have generally had a more coherent strategy for containing the spread of the virus.
Asia 亚洲板块Banyan 榕树专栏The new weather gods 新的气象神Floods and storms force Japan and South Korea to think harder about climate change 洪水和风暴肆虐,日本和韩国被迫更加认真
Political economy is a discipline in which rigorous empirical testing is difficult.
政治经济学是一门难以进行严格实证检验的学科。Scholars are rarely presented with the kind of natu经济学人下载: 开放不再,繁荣落幕(4)
The book ends on an optimistic note. Populist demagogues eventually lose power because they are hopeless at governing. Four in ten wind up being indicted for corruption, by one cou
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2020-09-22经济学人下载: 开放不再,繁荣落幕(3)
The author is often amusing as well as illuminating. Genghis Khan was a vicious warlord, but his domestic policies “would today open him up to accusations of being a politically c
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2020-09-21经济学人下载: 开放不再,繁荣落幕(2)
“Open” is clear, colourful and convincing, marshalling evidence from a range of eras and civilisations. The Roman Empire ceased to prosper when it ceased to be open. Christianity
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2020-09-21经济学人下载: 开放不再,繁荣落幕(1)
Books & arts
文艺板块Book review
全球化Lowering the drawbridge
降下封锁的吊桥Two books expound the virtues of open societies, past and future
Mr Trump has already successfully harried the FDA to authorise drugs, such as hydroxychloroquine, with no scientific evidence for their efficacy. He has accused the regulator (unfa
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