栏目广告位一 |
The first act of the impact of the coronavirus on America's financial markets and banking system was characterised by panic.
冠状病毒对美国金融市场和银行体系影响的第一幕是恐慌经济学人下载: 美国新冠肺炎激增(2)
Doug Ducey, the Republican governor of Arizona, began reopening his state in early May, when there were around 400 new cases being detected a day. He began backtracking two months
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2020-07-21经济学人下载: 美国新冠肺炎激增(1)
United States
美国版块The virus
病毒Here it goes again
卷土重来America is in the midst of an extraordinary surge of covid-19
美国正处于新冠肺炎异常激增的时期On the same weekend经济学人下载:一周要闻 航空业"裁员"潮继续 德国工人罢工 美股获20多年来最佳季度表现
The world this week
经济In another dreadful week for workers in the aviation industry, Airbus said it would cut 15,000 jobs, about a tenth of its total, beca经济学人下载:氢能--再看一眼玩具箱(2)
Readers of a certain age are now permitted to roll their eyes. At least twice in the past 50 years—in the 1970s, after the oil crisis,
In fact, the two-year average was expressly designed to account for low-emission years —a lesson learned from an early attempt to set the baseline in 2010, which was thwarted by t
商业版块Airlines and the climate
航空公司与气候Setting a new CORSIA
设立新的《国际航空碳抵消和减排计划》A carbon-intensive industry defangs an already mostly toothless经济学人下载:氢能--再看一眼玩具箱(1)
Conventional wisdom holds that battery-powered cars are the future of motoring.
传统观点认为,电池驱动汽车是汽车驾驶的未来。But Hyundai, a big South Korean vehicle-maker, is not s经济学人下载: Facebook和专制统治者(3)
Arab governments have passed laws against cybercrime and online terrorism to cow social-media firms and their users. Facebook “tries to comply” with local codes. It has opened
According to the book, ordinary Americans, too, are ill-equipped to grapple with the president’s brazenness. Ever since Watergate, they have been primed to sniff out political con
Books & arts
文艺板块Book Review
书评American politics
美国政治学Orange warning
橙色警告Surviving Autocracy.
《幸存的独裁统治》By Masha Gessen.
作者:玛莎·格森Two days after经济学人下载:拉丁美洲的悲剧(2)
Latin America, however, proved a laggard. It managed an average growth rate in real per person incomes of just 1.9% in the 2000s:
Where covid-19 strikes, it reveals hard truths.
新型冠状病毒肺炎所到之处,揭示了残酷的事实。In recent weeks Latin America has become the centre of the pandemic, responsible for ov经济学人下载: Facebook和专制统治者(2)
Size is part of the problem. Facebook has 2.7bn users, many of whom write in foreign languages. Their posts are vetted for hate speech and incitement. But the firm’s 15,000 conten
经济学人双语版|经济学人下载2020-07-14经济学人下载: Facebook和专制统治者(1)
Middle East & Africa
中东和非洲板块Facebook and autocrats
Facebook和专制统治者With friends like these
和这样的朋友在一起The social-media giant has been bending to the will of Ar经济学人下载:一周要闻 伊朗发布对特朗普逮捕令 印度下架抖音 俄罗斯举行全民公投
The world this week
政治Following months of talks, the unSecurity Council passed a resolution calling for a 90-day global ceasefire to allow wartorn areas to经济学人下载:街头女歌手莉莉·利昂(4)
When Piaf invited her to come and see her at Gerny’s, an ultra-chic cabaret, she felt too shy to go. Street singing was dying fast, though. By the beginning of the 1950s those 30
If correct, says Francois Delmotte, who works at INRAE's campus in Bordeaux
Francois Delmotte在INRAE位于波尔多的营地工作,也是该项目的领导之一,and is one of the project's经济学人下载:启动无人机(2)
Since wheeled drones are in effect selfdriving cars, albeit passenger-less ones, they need authorities’ approval to operate. This has not always been forthcoming. Now the “corona
In Amity, those in charge see the danger but fail to act swiftly. Brody, the local police chief (played by Roy Scheider), is wellmeaning but unprepared. After the first shark attac
A century and a half ago an alien insect alighted in Europe.
一个半世纪以前,一种外来昆虫飞落欧洲。It displaced millions, ruined local economies and forced scientists, politicians经济学人下载:家庭娱乐专栏--回到水中(1)
Books & arts
文艺板块Home entertainment
家庭娱乐专栏Back in the water
回到水中Hidden depths
隐藏的深渊Bungling officials confront an invisible threat in a blockbuster about a f经济学人下载:列克星顿专栏--搅乱德克萨斯州(3)
Mr Abbott’s pandemic management has followed a similar pattern. Having covered his right flank, he has ended up in a pretty reasonable place—as indicated by the fact that he is n
Still, because trade finance is short-term— usually 30 to 90 days—and backed by collateral, lenders have some recourse.
商业版块Logistics (2)
物流栏目(第二部分)Droning on
启动无人机Automated deliveries get a fillip
自动配送注入强心剂Unmanned vehicles, airborne or earthbound, have been
栏目广告位二 |