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In a new poll, that had fallen to 47%. But while public attitudes have softened, official ones have hardened. Only a decade ago, when it still enjoyed good relations with Europe, M
According to England's National Health Service the signs
根据英国国民医疗服务体系,that someone has contracted the novel coronavirus SARS-COV-2 are a high temperature or a new, c经济学人下载:副学士学习计划(ASAP)比平权运动更重要(1)
Growing up in Morris Heights, a poor neighbourhood in the Bronx where violence was omnipresent, Joel Cabrera thought his future would be either “death or jail, because that’s wha
The government investigates those who object to homophobia 政府调查反同性恋者Stuck at home during Ramadan because of covid-19, Turks at least have something new to argue about. In
Brazil's constitutional limits on the central bank, for example, reflect its history of hyperinflation,
例如,巴西对央行的宪法限制反映了其恶性通货膨胀的历史,when governments经济学人下载:量化宽松政策也适用于新兴市场(1)
Emerging markets have long resented quantitative easing (QE).
新兴市场长期以来都很讨厌量化宽松政策(QE)。When America's Federal Reserve began its third round of asset purchases经济学人下载:字节跳动引美国关注(3)
No wonder American rivals are trying to clip its wings.
难怪美国的竞争对手们都想要断其羽翼。Facebook’s TikTok clone, Lasso, has flopped.
Ms Faithfull, with whom he worked on putting music to the work of Gregory Corso, the last of the great Beat poets, described as him a "curator of souls, hipster, producer of miracu
The lights are off in many Florida businesses.
佛罗里达州的许多公司都熄灯了。But after dark, the glow of the Ocala Drive-In's 90-foot screen can be seen from a quarter of a mi经济学人下载:一周要闻 沙俄结束石油价格战 股票市场剧烈波动 亚马逊股价创新高
The world this week
商业Saudi Arabia and Russia ended their oil-price war, agreeing to a deal that will see oil-producing countries cut output by a record 9.7m b经济学人下载:一周要闻 特朗普"断供"WHO 欧洲多国调整封锁措施 桑德斯退选
The world this week
政治Donald Trump said that data suggested America was past the peak of the COVID-19 outbreak, as he mooted guidelines to reopen the economy.经济学人下载:焦土政策
The South-West of the United States, together with adjacent parts of Mexico across the Rio Grande, is one of the driest parts of the North American continent.
Unlike most of its peripatetic predecessors, though, ByteDance has built its empire by making products that appeal beyond China. It is China’s first global software giant. It has
Mr. Bogliani cautions against assuming that nature is reclaiming its own. Some mammals, like foxes, may have been in the cities already, prowling undetected at night. A golden eagl
The first big project he dreamed up, aged 24, was to reimagine the music Nino Rota had composed for the films of Federico Fellini. He signed up Blondie's Debbie Harry and Wynto
Which animal SARS-COV-2 leapt from to infect human beings remains unknown.
目前还不清楚究竟是哪种动物将SARS-COV-2传染给了人类。But the evidence suggests that bats were involved at经济学人下载:新冠疫情封锁期,野生动物侵入意大利(1)
Wildlife encroaches in Italy野生动物侵入意大利Rus in urbe乡村小镇的景象The small consolations of covid-19新冠肺炎疫情下的小慰藉A wolf slinks out of a park in Sesto Fiorentino, an i
A broad analysis by Charles Robertson of Renaissance Capital, an investment bank,
投资银行复兴资本的Charles Robertson所做的广谱分析发现finds that after recent declines, emerging-经济学人下载:精明的牵制(1)
You know by now, if you've been paying attention, that the coronavirus pandemic is,
如果大家一直在关注的话,现在你应该知道,此次冠状病毒if not a turning point in history, then th经济学人下载:约翰逊语言专栏--如何在家学习一门外语(2)
As for your initially meagre vocabulary, don't be shy about substituting an English word into your muttering—
Business 商业ByteDance 字节跳动Unabashed 勇敢无畏China’s first global software company is going from strength to strength. America doesn’t like it one bit 中国第一家全球
Hal Willner, music producer, died on April 7th, aged 64
音乐制作人哈尔·维尔纳于4月7日去世,享年64岁。Never mind that he was too young ever to have seen anything like it, he'd经济学人下载:也门战争(2)
Saudi Arabia does not want anything to upset its hosting of the g20 summit in November. So Prince Muhammad hopes to disengage and lock the Houthis inside Yemen, much as Israel does
In 1974, just as his father was thinking of selling Hymie's to become a stockbroker, the 18-year-old record fiend started college in New York. He got a part-time job as assistant
Living in lockdownhas led many people to undertake some self-improvement.
隔离在家让许多人开始进行自我提升。Alongside baking or cramped fitness regimes, some have chosen intellect
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