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With the UK's royal wedding drawing near, porcelain makers in China's Tangshan city have been busy designing ceramics for the event.

Busy making souvenirs for the wedding of the year.

This factory in one of China's porcelain producers - Tangshan city - is bustling to fulfill the special commission for Britain.

Li Sufen, said, Tangshan Hengrui Ceramics, said, We finished an order of souvenirs for the Swedish princess before, and people liked them very much. And this time, we made souvenirs for the British Royal wedding. We have much more confidence, and it is really a good task for us to be known in the world.
唐山恒瑞瓷业有限公司的Li Sufen说:之前我们完成了瑞典王妃陶瓷纪念品的订单,人们非常喜欢。如今,我们为英国皇室婚礼制作纪念品。我们更加有信心,而且是一项非常好的任务,可以让世界了解我们。

The photo on the souvenir is an authorized image.

Having received the order at the end of last year, 45 thousand chinaware pieces have so far been sent to Britain.

Lu Jiling, factory worker, said, I have been working here for more than 4 years. I felt excited when I did those plates. It is also something new to work on for me and for the factory. I hope the royal couple will love each other forever.
工厂工人Lu Jiling说:我在这里工作了4年。当我做那些盘子的时候非常兴奋。这对于我和工厂来说都是一项新的工作。我希望皇家夫妇永远相爱。

The wedding memorabilia is being made with bone china. An important part of the souvenir-making is the temperature, which needs to be closely monitored and controlled during the firing process.

CCTV reporter Xue Jingmeng said, The workers here spent almost 2 months completing the royal order. This is a sample of the chinaware made for the Prince's wedding. Most are now on British shop shelves, while some have been sent to the UK as gifts.
CCTV记者Xue Jingmeng说:工人们花了两个月的时间完成这个皇室订单。这是为王子婚礼制作的瓷器样品。现在大部分瓷器都已经在英国的商店货架上了,而一些是作为礼物送到英国。

With hopes for further expansion, the company's products have been exported to more than 20 countries and regions around the world.