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After months of drought, severe floods are now coursing through a number of mountainous areas in Hunan Province, and causing grave damage to local agriculture. CCTV reporter, Xia Qu, went to one village grappling with the deluge, to see how serious the problems have become.

The terraces on these mountain slope belong to Daoren Village. Unlike areas at the foot of the peak, where farmers use mechanized tools, those on the lower hills still plow by hand. Their goal is two harvests per year -- early rice and mid-season rice.

Xia said, "This is early rice. It's usually planted in March, and gathered in July. Now most of the plants have been covered by sand. The farmers say plants like this are almost dead."

Zhu Xinglong and Zhu Jianping are the keepers of this farmland area. They say they're very distressed, because they understand the painstaking efforts the villagers have put into their crops.

Zhu said, "We experienced an extreme drought this year. Many places were too dry to plant rice. Villagers chose the moistest fields. Drinking water was in short supply for some time, so people even pumped in water to irrigate fields. The harvest season for early rice is about to come. Rice only needs a little water to grow."

The rainfall people were expecting for a long time finally came. Villagers were happy. But then they realized the extent of the resulting damage.

He said, "The rain began to pour that night at 12 o'clock. The water flooded into our houses and rose up. Everyone hurried to protect their families and belongings. At half past 5, we came to check the fields ... and were shocked. The fields were gone. All we could see anywhere was floodwater."

The disastrous rainfall not only ruined the early rice, but also drowned the middle rice seedlings, which were just planted several days ago. But the villagers believe the effects will be much more serious in the long run. There has already been a shortage of land for farming in recent years. And now sand brought in by the floods is playing a major role as well.

Xia said, "The farmers say 80 percent of the fields here are destroyed, which means crops can't grow on such farmlands. And it will take at least 3 to 5 years to recover. "