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11年前 “泰坦尼克号”的华丽落幕成就了凯特·温斯莱特和里奥纳多·迪卡普里奥。但是我们足足等了11年,才等来了这对金童玉女的再度联手。在电影《革命之路》里,曾经的恋人变成了夫妻,但是他们能幸福吗?而凯特·温斯莱特又能否凭借该片摘取人生第一个奥斯卡影后殊荣?我们拭目以待。
      Oscar gold may finally be in Kate Winslet’s script. The five-time nominee has two new films coming out that just might break her losing streak. But they were both roles that pushed the actress to the brink.
(voiceover from The Reader)
Man: …and you and you and you have to be sent back to be killed.
Kate Winslet: No! No!

      And many were surprised that she took on the emotionally intense films back to back.

Kate Winslet: Me too, baby! Let me tell ya. I feel like somehow doing press right now for both of these films is sort of the mass shedding.

voiceover from Revolutionary Road)
Kate Winslet: Would you still be wasting your life, toiling away a job you find ridiculous?

       Winslet teamed up with her Titanic costar Leonardo DiCaprio for the first time since making the mega blockbuster. The two have been close friends ever since and had hoped to find the right material for their follow-up.

Kate Winslet: There have been a couple of things that we had considered doing but you know, I think we just both felt, well it has to be…it has to really be something very powerful, very overwhelming and extremely special.

        They found Revolutionary Road, a raw drama about a couple whose lives and marriage are falling apart. When filming with DiCaprio wrapped, Winslet began working on The Reader, another drama, this one about post-Nazi Germany. The intensity of both films took a physical toll on the actress.

Kate Winslet: I went home sort of…you know, really shaken up and you know, it was a very very tough experience. And… and I…I sort of now feel like I am kind of picking through the debris and figuring out what it all actually meant to me.

       It might all mean the actress takes home two acting Oscars this year, setting an Academy Award record.